Round 2, Whole30, Day 3

Yesterday was a successful and social Friday, with no drinks.  

First, I got to finally go to my WW meeting. I hate not being able to go a few weeks in a row. I miss those girls terribly. The meeting was great, and I was down 3.4 pounds from the last time I was there, and that was an awesome way to start off my weekend. It’s only day 3 of Whole30, and I already feel less bloated.

After my meeting, I met a friend for lunch that I hadn’t seen in forever and we had all sorts of catching up to do. We did talk about a lot of subjects other than food….but she told me that she had JUST ordered the Whole30 book and was pondering doing it! Of course I was super excited to have someone to talk to about it. Her daughter and son in law are doing it now and feel great. Yay Whole30!

While at the restaurant, I saw a girlfriend of mine come in with a few of her friends. When my lunch date had to leave, I joined my friend and her friends and bellied up to the bar. At the bar, I ordered coffee. While there, I drank a pot of coffee! I felt coffee drunk by the time I left. Seriously…..major coffee buzz going.  When we finished up there, I knew that some of my friends were at the Wine Bar across the street, so I headed that way, where you guessed it…I drank more coffee. Did you guess that?

Finally, I did some grocery shopping, washed my car, cranked up the tunes (it was sunny and so pretty and I was in a damn good mood) and came home. It was a full day. It was a good day.

It was one of those days where I was patting myself on the back for all of the calories that I had saved myself by not having any drinks, and that always makes me feel good.

Okay, headed out to an 8:00 am Hot Yoga class this morning. Happy Saturday!

Here are yesterday’s eats….

Breakfast – 3 SP

Whole30 meals should include veggies and protein, but I needed something quick that I could eat after I weighed in, and I wanted something small since I was eating an early lunch.

Banana and Raw Cashews



Lunch – 12 SP

This is always a hard guess on points for me. My WW app says that Shrimp Fajita’s at a restaurant are 9 SP, but shrimp and veggies are hardly any points at all? It’s hard to know exactly how much oil is used to prepare this dish, but to be on the safe side, I’ll go with the suggested 9 SmartPoints. I had Guacamole on the side. This feels like a pretty safe Whole30 meal to eat out.



Afternoon Meal – 6 SP

And by Afternoon Meal, I mean 5:00 pm. I had lunch early and I was hungry. I knew that I was too hungry to wait until dinner to eat, and that’s exactly why I am planning to have a Afternoon Meal each day between lunch and dinner.

Tuna Salad made with Mustard and Homemade Mayo, bulked up with Carrots and Celery, along with a Pear with 1 tsp Almond Butter.




Dinner – 11 SP

Halibut Steak with Smashed Potatoes and Broccoli

I’ve never made Halibut before. This tasted meaty, not fishy at all. We both liked it and I’ll make it again for sure. I put it in the skillet with a little Olive Oil, S&P and squeezed fresh Lemon Juice on it. I cooked it for about 4 minutes on each side with the lid on it, as suggested by the friendly guy behind the counter at Whole Foods.

The potatoes? I bought two different types of Sweet Potatoes at Whole Foods just for fun. I forgot to take a picture first, but they were both shaped more like a cucumber? Any who…..I cooked them in the microwave, then sliced them into 1/2″ slices, then smashed them with the bottom of a glass. I put them on a baking sheet and light brushed Olive Oil on them, sprinkled with S&P, and baked them for about 20 minutes at 400 to make them crispy.

I was going for Fish and Chips.

That potato idea comes from the Pioneer Woman. Click HERE for her Crashed Potato recipe.



These are my 2016 Goals

Make time each week to Meal Plan
Drink 100 ounces of water each day
Exercise 5 days a week
Three Meals and One Snack, Daily

I can eat 30 SmartPoints a day.

I have an allowance of 35 extra Weekly Points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s


Breakfast = 3

Lunch = 12

Afternoon Meal = 6

Dinner = 11

Total = 32


Exercise = none

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 80

Remaining Weekly SmartPoints = 33


“love the life you live, live the life you love”

2 thoughts on “Round 2, Whole30, Day 3

  1. You’re so sweet. Happy I make you happy. 🙂

    Hangry. I love it. I’ve heard but I haven’t used, but I can think of many a times that I could have!

    Jealous of your beautiful weekend in San Diego. Rainy and ick in KC yesterday, and snowing today on Easter? That’s Kansas for you though. We do get a variety!

    Hope your weekend is FaNtabuLous!!


  2. Your posts always seem to make me so happy and light! And that’s without me even having all that coffee! LOL that mention of San Diego gave my hubs and I great idea, so we popped over for the weekend It’s beautiful sunny weather and so much I want to share with you! But just one funny for right now : we are sitting on this beautiful patio filled with flowers overlooking a marina and having a wonderful breakfast. The lady next to us just got all upset about how long her food was taking to come, and she through a fit for everyone to hear! Seriously, in an atmosphere like this how could anyone be in a hurry? So the next thing I notice is she pulls out the weekly watchers weekly flyer to thumb through while she’s waiting! I told my husband that explains it all ….she was just “HANGRY” !!!! I did have to explain to my hubs what hangry was- being so hungry you’re angry! LOL I enjoyed my beautiful fresh fruit bowl and am anxiously awaiting our weekend here! Have a good one Ronda

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