Short Post…More Taco’s

I’m keeping this post a short one. Basically, I like Taco’s. Taco’s on Tuesday, Taco’s on Wednesday. I think I want a Taco Month! Here are yesterday’s eats…. Breakfast – 6 SP Egg White Omelette filled with Turkey Taco Meat and topped with Smashed Avocado and an Orange for something sweet!   Lunch – 7 SP Un-pictured Chicken Salad on a small corn tortilla while working at the Food Truck (not really a taco) and I took the last of the Roasted Chicken, a few Carrots and an Apple to eat.   Snack – 2 SP Banana, Blueberries and Kiwi with 1 tsp Almond Butter, 1/2 tsp honey and a sprinkle of Chia Seeds.   Snack – 6 SP I won’t go into detail of how I ended up with these, but they are a total trigger food for me and I never buy them anymore. I ate THREE of these!!!   […]

An Unplanned Taco Tuesday

Yesterday was an unplanned Taco Tuesday and pretty much an unplanned everything. I thought I was going to be getting a new At Work WW Meeting yesterday, but it didn’t pan out. My meeting that I did have on Tuesday has now been moved to Thursday, so my current schedule is two meetings on Monday (one as a leader, one as a receptionist) and two meetings on Thursdays (one as a leader, one as a receptionist). Tuesday is now an open day. I don’t think that will last long, but I will certainly enjoy it for now. After coffee on the deck and pondering my “to do” list for the day, I decided I should go to a Yoga class, so I did. After Yoga, and only coffee in my belly, I thought working on my “to do” list a little longer, while having breakfast outside somewhere sounded like a great […]

Is This a Drink Recipe?

If you are a WW member, then you may or may not know that drink recipe SmartPoints are calculated differently than food recipe SmartPoints.  I did not know this for a long time. If you are making Smoothies on a regular basis, it’s good info to have! Here’s the deal. If you are making smoothies, you are likely adding more fruit than just a serving of berries to your smoothie. Those calories that make up that one smoothie can really add up, even though a piece of fruit is zero SmartPoints. Calories are calories, and making sure you are tracking according to the Weight Watcher guidelines will only help you along your journey. Now, according to the Weight Watcher guidelines, if you are using blended fruit as an ice cream type snack, eating it with a spoon and the serving size is 1/2 Cup or less, then you can count that […]

A Few of my Trader Joe Favorites

Yesterday was a really good Sunday. We slept in. I made a simple breakfast. I went to a Hot Yoga class at 10:30. I ran a few errands. I got my steps in throughout the day. I planned for the week. I roasted a chicken and the house smelled like grandma’s. I went to bed early and got 9 hours of sleep. Pretty good day, wouldn’t ya say? Week 5 of the StepBet is now complete and I’m feeling really good about figuring out how to work steps in on a busy day. I was at Trader Joe’s forever stocking up on a few favorites. I always stock up on the raw nuts. These are great for salads, homemade trail mix or just for snacking!   I finally discovered why so many people are talking about this seasoning. I am loving it on so many different foods!   Loving this […]

The Healing Hill

Mike and my mom and I left our house at 7;00 am as planned yesterday morning. We arrived in the small town of Augusta, Kansas just before 10:00 am. My mom and dad both grew up there. As a kid, we made many road trips there to visit my grandparents, so making that trip brought back a lot of great memories. We went to the restaurant where we would be inviting those interested to come join us for lunch after the grave side service for my cousin, Anna Lee. At the restaurant, we set up a small table with pictures of Anna Lee and photo albums and a few of her favorite things, then we went to the cemetery. We had no pastor or clergyman of any type scheduled to be at the service. Anna Lee hadn’t lived in Augusta in a really long time so we didn’t really know […]

Tracking, Walking….Good Day!

It was a Friday work at home/errand day. I saved my walk for the evening and I’m glad I did. The humidity was almost gone by 6:30 which made it perfect outside for walking circles around the neighborhood lake until I met my step goal.   Tomorrow is the funeral for my cousin Anna Lee and we have about a three hour drive each way. My mom should be here by about 7:00 in the morning, then we’re on the road. I’m thinking a long day ahead. Tomorrow evening our daughter Anne and her family will be here from Oklahoma and we’re going to dinner with a group to celebrate Anne’s birthday.  I have NO idea how I will get my steps in tomorrow, but it HAS to be done by midnight! 😬😬😬 Here are Friday’s eats…. Breakfast – 8 SP Big Ass Waffle recipe, but in pancake form. Topped with warm […]

Back at Routine

I had planned to get back to routine a couple of days ago, but it just wasn’t happening. Yesterday, routine came back! Yesterday in a nutshell… I worked, I babysat little Miss Wrenley for a few hours, I took yesterday as a StepBet “rest day” and I made dinner, kinda. After working my At Work WW Meeting (This is the group that I have talked about that I love SO much! They had a week off between the last session and the one we started yesterday, so I have really missed them!), I stopped by Whole Foods to grab a Rotisserie Chicken to have for dinner. I also grabbed several things for lunch because nothing sounded good, yet everything sounded good. Make sense? When I got home, this little cutie arrived shortly after.   She was a real sport while I played Snapchat with her!   Those eyes are beautiful, just […]

Out of My Hole

The last two weeks have been filled with some unexpected emotions and I found myself crawling into a little hole where I could just be alone. I had a few things to deal with that just sucked the energy right out of me. I’ve lost track of the days of the week and the time of day. I’ve slept a lot and kept fairly quiet.  On Saturday, I started to come out of the hole that I had crawled into. I grocery shopped and spent the day in the kitchen listening to music and cooking. I have done very little cooking over the last two weeks. I spent Sunday getting my house back in order and reconnecting myself with my routine. On Monday I ran several errands. One stop was an early morning oil change. I decided to take my backpack instead of my purse and walk to breakfast. It’s […]