I Didn’t Even Throw Up

I did it. I lead my first Weight Watcher meeting. I didn’t throw up, or stutter, or go blank in the middle of a sentence. I imagined everyone in their underwear and the meeting went great!. Kidding. But just to make them giggle, I did think about asking them to take off their clothes so I wouldn’t be so nervous. I decided to relax, be myself and utilize the tools that I learned in training over the weekend. There were about 40 members in the meeting and they were all so nice and welcoming. I know what it is like to go into your WW meeting, only to discover your fabulous Leader has a sub. Yesterday, not only was I a sub, but I was brand spanking new! Carol is my mentor/trainer and the Leader of the meeting that I was able to do Tuesday morning. She has been wonderful to me […]

Officially official!

Yay! What a great weekend. I must say, this was a whole new experience for me. I’ve never worked at a job where I’ve been to any type of formal training. I was really anxious about the weekend and I had a lot of fears and anxiety going into these last three days. I think my biggest fear, as I’m sure was felt by so many of us at Leader training this weekend, was standing up in front of a group of people and speaking. A large part of me had decided that since I was so comfortable talking and sharing in my own Friday morning Weight Watcher meeting, that it wouldn’t be a big deal. Another part of me knew that now all eyes would be on me, and I just might be a nervous wreck.  What did I learn this weekend that will help me the most in being […]

It’s Really Happening!

Tomorrow morning, I leave for Dallas to finalize my Weight Watcher Leader Training. Finally! What a great way to end the year! I come home on Sunday, and although I don’t have a regular meeting of my own yet, Carol, my awesome trainer, is letting me lead one of her meetings on Tuesday! That’s like in FIVE days!! This begins another chapter (probably the most exciting chapter) for me in my weight loss journey. My weight loss journey has become so much more than just a number on the scale or the size of my clothes. I have discovered how good “healthy” feels, how to appreciate my body for all of the things that it can do when I take good care of it, and I’ve learned to focus on all of the positive changes that I have made in the last few years, instead of focusing on any negative […]