Barf bag please?

I fainted on the plane, then barfed in the barf bag. Other than that, day one of vacation was a blast! I looked at Mike and said….”I kinda feel weird. I might get sick. I feel like I’m gonna faint. I’m gonna faint. I’m fainting.” Then I fainted. At some point, I half way came around, then found myself using the barf bag. But it’s all a blur. I have no idea why that happened. I felt terrible for the lady beside me. Then I was fine. It made for great conversation on the way to the resort! Even my beer tasted good! I did not journal today, but I did eat fairly well. When you use the barf bag on the plane, does that allow you to subtract the points you ate beforehand?? “love the life you live, live the life you love”

Tess’s First Day!

I have thought about her all day long, and it’s after 5:00 pm and I haven’t heard from her yet, but I know before I post this, I will know how fabulous her first day went! Okay, 9:00 pm, she called! First day was a huge success filled with new faces, familiar faces from Saturday night, a co-worker bought her lunch, and the day ended with a Southwest Airlines hosted Happy Hour! Beer and Wine and snacks provided!! Apparently they do this on Monday’s when the weather is nice? I think I wanna work there. I would certainly say that Tess is in her comfort zone! BreakfastLight English Muffin with Better N Peanut Butter4 PPV Coffee with Steamed Nonfat Milk1 PPV LunchThe last of the White Chili (I was so excited to find some still left over!)Corn Bread Muffin10 PPV Luna Protein Bar (Might not buy these again, kinda like […]

Chilly weather ……Chili Food!

I couldn’t think of a better way to start off a chilly Sunday than by preparing a big crockpot full of chili! So I did! Corn Muffins too! Turkey AND beef! So comforting! Would you believe for an hour, Tess and I took advantage of FaceTime?How cool is technology? She laid in bed while I had coffee on the couch, then worked in the kitchen. Just like old times! She’s gonna LOVE this picture. I did spend a little time alone Sunday morning watching the CBS Morning news. Mike always works the couple of Sundays before we go on vacation, so it was just me and the dogs. Well, before FaceTime, that is. One of the stories on CBS was about Nick Vujicic. Do you know who he is? Nick was born in 1982. He is an evangelist and a motivational speaker. He was born without all four limbs. At […]

Luggage and Flip Flops!

My Two Goals for the day. 1. Buy New Luggage2. Buy New Flip Flops Yay! It’s PURPLE!! Mike’s is behind mine. Same luggage, only a manly shade of Taupe??? I feel more relaxed already…… After successfully finding my two items, at a bargain price, I headed to Costco (ON A SATURDAY!) for two rotisserie chickens. What was I thinking? I got a terrible parking, and the wind had really picked up, and it was getting chilly! I meandered my way to the back of the store, without eating ONE sample I might add, and guess how many chickens were left? You guessed it right! ZERO!! So I headed back out the “IN” door. I felt like a fish swimming upstream! Have you EVER left Costco on a Saturday going out the “IN”? It was a challenge at best. Activity Points earned? Okay, slight exaggeration, but it felt like a workout. […]

Errands and to Do List……My Life.

I certainly know I’m not the only one, but sometimes I feel as though most of my life is spent running errands with a lengthy “To Do List”. I don’t think I have ever been more ready for a vacation. I skipped my Weight Watchers meeting Friday morning. Probably not one of my wiser decisions. I didn’t want to face the scale 5 days before going on a beach vacation and let the number on the scale determine my mood. I decided to instead, spend the day planning a spray tan, a pedicure and a manicure. I figure I’ll drop at least 10 pounds with a good spray tan! I plan to track until vacation, but have not yet decided if I will track while ON vacation. I most likely will not, but will focus on activity and lots of fruits and veggies. There will be lots of laying around […]

Just Food

This post is literally Just the Food I ate Thursday! I cooked up some “Apples in a Bag”. For the easiest, tastiest thing ever, Click Here. Then I added it to my bowl of Oatmeal. Perfect for a rainy, chilly morning.4 PPV LunchLeftover Pork Tacos from the Food Truck, no tortillas6 PPV SnackYogurt2 PPV DinnerSunset Grill To Go!Hawaiian Skewers with Broccoli, Roasted Potatoes and Salad10 PPV Activity Points Earned Today = 0Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = -33How many glasses of water I drank today = 9 This is far from a motivational quote, but it totally made me giggle! “love the life you live, live the life you love”

Tess’ Blog!

Tess did decide to make her blog public, so Click Here to check it out! It is Wednesday evening, and I just hung up with her. She had a great, full first day in Dallas on her own. Southwest Airlines started a Facebook group of Interns so they could meet up with each other, or find roommates, or ask questions, or whatever. She met up with two Interns today for a Museum outing and lunch. I am so excited for her! Poor Mike, have I even MENTIONED him lately? Yes, we are still happily married, as far as I know. I guess I should check with him to make sure HE is still happy? We leave for vacation in one week, so I am looking forward to some well deserved alone time together. Of course, we are going with several other couples, but surely we will have a little alone […]

Saying "Good-Bye"

“Good-Bye” was harder than I realized. I had thought so much about all of the things that needed to be done in preparation for the trip to Dallas, and the things Tess wanted to get done once in Dallas, I hadn’t really taken the time to think about saying good bye at the airport. We had a nice, relaxed morning. We packed the car with my things, then left for the day. We had decided it would be a great day to figure out different routes around the city. (We had NOT anticipated or planned on it raining! Nor had we planned on faulty windshield wipers, especially since the blades were new. But unfortunately, we had both!) Before we headed downtown, we stopped for an early lunch. Because it was a little chilly and rainy outside, soup and a sandwich sounded good. Then we started our journey. Uh, none of […]

Monday FunDay in Dallas!

Well, we stayed up late chatting on Sunday, so we didn’t get a super early start on Monday, but we loved our first night in Dallas getting cozy in Tess’ new home. Monday, we maneuvered our way around downtown Dallas pretty well for a couple of rookies! Okay, actually, Tess did ALL of the maneuvering, I was really just along for the ride (white knuckled through most of it, but not because of her driving, but because of MY need to be the driver.) I discovered that actually, she drives a lot like I do, so it wasn’t so bad after all. 🙂 I was even able to take some pictures. The highways were endless!! The traffic was constant! At one point, the sun was in her eyes and the sun visors were just not doing the job. She had me hold the iPad up in between the visor and […]

Dallas, here we come.

We were on the road by 7:00 am. We decided to take the scenic route vs. Interstate 35 the entire way. Together, we planned and packed lots of healthy snacks for the road. Celery, peanut butter…….. Clementines, WW Cheese sticks, apple slices, Laughing Cow Cheese wedges…….. Finishing up last minute task. Look at all of her list! She gets that from me! He he he. High protein breakfast of egg whites and a Light English Muffin before we hit the road. Leaving Kansas! (I darn near missed the sign!) Hello Oklahoma! Lunch stop at the Hard Rock! This was an accident, but it was right off the highway! We were pretty sure it was meant to be! Look! A Bar! In the Hard Rock! Look! Beers……in a bar! We shared a Caesar salad and chicken quesadilla while trying to contain our excitement. (We were going to be good with a […]