A Morning at the Dog Park!

Having a Plan Simply waking up on Monday morning and knowing that I had a “Plan”, got my day off to a great start and I felt ready to take on the challenges of the days ahead of me. My friend that I had planned to walk with had to cancel our walk on Monday morning, and I knew that was not a “Free Pass” for me to skip my exercise for the day. I wasn’t in the mood to walk by myself, so I took Tucker to the Dog Park. He may actually enjoy the Dog Park more than he enjoy’s having his belly rubbed. Although I’m not certain. When he is having his belly rubbed, his eyes roll back in his head. When he is running across the field at the Dog Park, I SWEAR he is smiling. We met all sorts of interesting People AND Dogs at […]

Completely Naked……and a Wedding

Writing my post on Saturday morning was really difficult. I felt like I had completely let everyone in to see it all, the good, the bad, the ugly. I felt completely naked. It’s hard to admit failure. It’s easy and exciting to talk about success and goals achieved, but failing and admitting it, is difficult. Trying to figure out WHY you failed, is also difficult.  When I first started writing this blog about my weight loss journey, I wanted it to be a couple of different things. I wanted it to my “journal” so I could look back and reflect, and I have been able to do just that….often. Knowing my own weight loss struggles in my past, I also wanted my blog to be a place where people could come to for motivation and support in their own weight loss struggles. I want them to know that they are […]

Still Learning…..

I’m struggling a little bit this morning to write this blog post. I have some confessions and I have a lot on my mind (and I have a lot to get done this morning, and I have a feeling this is going to be one of those post that takes me three hours to write!!!) Let me start with reminding you that two weeks ago yesterday, was my lowest Weigh-In EVER since I started my Weight Loss Journey and I was really feeling on top of the world! Yesterday, I kinda felt like crap.  Yesterday at my meeting, for a couple of different reasons, I didn’t weigh in. You would think that after doing WW for as long as I have done it, that I would be very careful about what I eat on Thursday and keep my salt intake low. Nope. Sometimes I’m a little stubborn and I do […]

Did you Trick? or Treat?

It was a MUCH calmer night in the neighborhood than I was expecting! Last year we had all SORTS of Trick or Treaters. This year? Not so much. Now I’m going to have to figure out what to do with all that candy! We started out simple. We were “The Farmers”. I thought since our last name is “Farmer”, it was hilarious, and I have no idea why I’ve never thought of it before. I’m fairly certain NO ONE else thought it was as funny as I did. 🙂   I had bought this mask, and later decided it would be fun if Mike would just sit by the fire with me, and when the Trick or Treaters (the very FEW that we did have) came up the driveway, to NOT move or talk. It actually just kinda creeped ME out.     Then Mike had this BRILLIANT idea, which […]