Skillet Meal’s are Great for Simple Start!

(This Blog Post was originally posted on Jan. 7, 2014. The Breakfast Recipe in this post has been revised as of Jan. 26, 2014.) I’ve been throwing lots of things in the skillet lately. I have discovered some of my favorite dishes by doing this. I pick out the veggies that I want, decide on a protein, then I decide how I will make it creamy or juicy or saucy? Sometimes I add pasta or quinoa, sometimes I don’t. This seems to be working great for any meal of the day, and really…….if you’re a veggie fan, the possibilities are endless! I usually start with Olive Oil and a chopped onion. It all seems to come together best with fresh veggies, or frozen veggies that I have cooked. If I am using potatoes, I cook them in the microwave, then dice them up. Having cooked shredded chicken ready to go […]

What’s Working For Me!

It’s been a busy few days! Let me jump right in! Friday morning at Weight Watchers was brutal due to my ridiculously painful headache! I then left to meet my coach for lunch. I was super close to canceling due to the headache I was on day three of, but I just kept driving, and apparently, due to a stupid auto correct typo and a misunderstanding of where we were having lunch, I was driving in the wrong direction, and I was already running late. When I reached the assumed destination, it was established that we were just not meant to meet that day. So we’re rescheduling…… The WW meeting on Friday morning was all about Simple Start, but I don’t think I learned anything that I haven’t already blogged about it. I was curious though what my Leader thought about it, and she said she loves it and has […]

I’m Hiring…..Myself

So now that I’ve actually taken some time to think about the year ahead, I’ve come up with a short term plan for myself for the next 6 weeks. If you read my blog regularly, you know that I seem to work best with a short term plan. That long term stuff just kinda stresses me out! Short term always feels very doable and realistic for me! Feeling a little bummed that I am not a WW employee by now, I need a job! I need more responsibility! I need to put on real clothes each day! I need a schedule! I want to feel like I have accomplished something of importance or value at the end of the day. I’ve come to the conclusion……that “I” am my job for the next six weeks. I’m hiring ME! I will follow a schedule that will include what time I get out […]

I Welcome You, 2014!

For the last FOUR years, I have been truly super excited about the previous year, and really looking forward to the year that was ahead. I consider myself to be an optimist and I feel like I am full of positive thoughts. I always seem to be planning my next move, whether it be a social outing, a trip, a change in exercise routine, my next blog post or what new food I’m thinking about trying. Honestly, right now, my mind feels a little blank. 2013 was odd. I spent a lot of 2013 reflecting. I have NOT spent a lot of time reflecting recently about the year as a whole. A ton of great things happen during the year! I made a lot of progress in my personal goals and in my health. Great things happened for my family. But for me, the year was full of things that […]