Whacky Weekend!!

I had an awesome weekend! I did NOT plan well though for being gone from the house so long on Saturday and Sunday. What started out as an innocent Girl’s Shopping afternoon in the West Bottoms of Kansas City…….   (Lot’s of old buildings, full of lots of old stuff…and some new stuff too!) …..turned into 6 hours of shopping followed by another 6 hours of Bar Hopping!! Okay…kinda. More on that in a sec. Saturday’s shopping was followed by taking my husband, my dad and my stepmom BACK for a full day of shopping on Sunday! Lots of great finds….. I kinda wanna make this lamp!   I think this such a cute idea!   We have this TV cabinet in our bedroom, but if we ever want to turn it into a wine cabinet?????   I love this idea to repurpose all of the wine bottles in my […]

She calls it…….The Life Changing Loaf of Bread!

I’m headed out the door soon to do a little shopping with a friend, so I’m making this short and to the point. I ate a lot of points yesterday. I don’t feel like I ate a ton of food, but I did eat food high in points without checking the points before I put it into my mouth. I don’t have time to break it all down in the blog this morning, but I made “The Life Changing Loaf of Bread”. I made it a few weeks back, but it didn’t turn out so great looking due to the pan I used, and some of it feel apart. I couldn’t really figure out the points because I didn’t have a clue how many servings it actually made. Long story short, I just figured the points on it this morning, after eating TWO pieces of it yesterday! It’s 6 PPV […]

Yay! Sunshine!!

First of all……Seriously….Yay Sunshine! Another successful day, mentally and physically. I got a lot done around the house early in the morning, then left to meet my mom for a cup of coffee and a short chat. Then I hit the Tasfeful Olive, a great little Olive Oil store in Downtown Overland Park. I was out of my Butter Infused Olive Oil, and I was missing it. I was kinda looking for a new flavor too. I found one that I’m anxious to try.  Chipotle Infused Olive Oil! I’m thinking Fajita’s…..Mexican Eggs…..Shrimp and Roasted Veggies stuffed in a Corn Tortilla? It certainly has a bit of a kick to it! I’ll put it to good use in something! It was sunny and above freezing, so I took advantage of that and got in a good 40 minute walk outside. I took the mutts with me for a bit too. I […]

It’s Just About Healthy Livin’

At Weight Watcher’s they say….It’s Not a Diet, It’s a Way of Life. And it’s true. It is. You are learning to eat healthy. You are learning facts about different foods and how they affect your body. You are learning a proper portion size. You are learning to try new foods. But still, in the back of my mind….I’m like….well, I am on a diet. I’m trying to lose weight. That’s a diet. Some weeks, I work harder than others to make that number on the scale go down. Speaking of the scale……It has felt good to get up in the mornings and not feel the need to step on the scale this last two weeks. Let me say that again. It has felt good to get up in the mornings and not feel the need to step on the scale this last two weeks. I still haven’t looked at […]

Butternut Squash Chili

(Edited March 7, 2018 to update Butternut Squash Chili recipe from SmartPoints to Freestyle SmartPoints.) (Edited September 8, 2017 to update Butternut Squash Chili recipe from Points Plus to SmartPoints.) First of all. I just looked at this post before I hit “publish”, and I ate a LOT of food yesterday! I made good choices and ate exactly 26 points. It reminds me that when I’m paying attention and getting in plenty of fruits and veggies, I can get plenty to eat throughout the day and still stay within my WW Points.   It felt great to get back to work at the Food Truck Tuesday. We’re working today too!  I think we had to miss the whole month of February due to the cold! (Well, and the fact that we went to Cancun!) The Food Truck has incredibly awesome food. The Best Burger’s ever with buttered grilled buns, Crawfish Mac […]

Snow Day…..These still excite me!

It was another really cold day, so they cancelled school. I’m still really excited for all the kids when they announce “No School!” I’ve always liked living someplace where we get to experience the Four Seasons, but I am admittedly ready to get outside to walk in some warmer weather. This 5K training is going really well on the treadmill, but as far as I’m concerned, running outside is a whole different ball game. I think it’s because the treadmill has a little give with every step. Outside, that concrete and asphalt are just HARD!! Nothing about running outside feels great on my legs. So I figure like anything, I’ll build up a tolerance to it once I can get outside and get some “practice” in. Hopefully, it’ll warm up soon so that can happen. Oh, and also so all the little children can go back to school and so […]

Oscar Sunday!!

I don’t know why I was so excited to watch the Oscar’s. I’ve seen several movies this year, but certainly not all of the ones that were up for all of the nominations. I do love Ellen, so I’m sure that had a lot to do with it. I did see the Dallas Buyer’s Club and I thought that Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto did an awesome job in both their physical transformation and their acting, so I was happy for both of them and thought they both had awesome acceptant speeches!! I might actually like McConaughey because of his speech just a little bit more now!  Kate Blanchet looked beautiful, but I have not seen her movie. Lupita Nyong’o won for best supporting actress for her role in “12 Years a Slave”, which also won Best Picture! I have not seen that movie, but I plan to do so […]

Super Saturday!

I’m calling it Super Saturday for a couple of reasons. I woke up in such a better mood than I have for the last week. Yay! All that talking and blogging helped! It was just an all around good day. I completed my “to do list”, I exercised, we went out with friends, Mike and I had a great evening. It was just one of those Saturday’s that was everything I was hoping it would be! I made a menu for the week and a grocery list. I got my shopping done, then hopped on the treadmill.  Tess (my daughter) and I are RUNNING (not walking) in the Color Run on April 12th in Dallas, and we have been doing a Couch to 5K training app. We are in week 4, but I should be in week 5. I got behind while on a vacation, so I am playing catch […]

Overeater’s Anonymous, Part II

One Week at a time. One Day at a time. One meal at a time.  I got a lot off of my chest yesterday when I wrote my blog, and it led to a successful day. I felt in control. After my WW meeting yesterday, I had a great long chat with my Leader. I asked her if she had other members get so close to goal, then freak out and gain weight because they feared being at goal weight. She surprisingly told me that was common. Why do I always think I’m the only one experiencing something?? Why do I think I’m so special? All seriousness aside, I’m glad I asked her that, and I’m glad we discussed it. I want to get to goal, and not be afraid of maintaining my weight once I get there. I’m told I’m being hard on myself. I think I’m just being realistic. When […]