National Running Day!

Procrastinating Did you know that yesterday was National Running Day? It seems we have a day for pretty much everything now. I must admit, It did feel good to find out it was National Running Day and know that I would be running! No excuses this whole month! ONE mile every day! Now…..I KNOW that it is best for me to exercise first thing in the morning, and why I refuse to make that a habit, I may never know. Yesterday, the day just kept creeping away from me until I realized, I was going to be running in the dark! I hate that! If I’m not fearing the bogey man, I’m wondering what animal I’m going to come upon that is going to scare the wholly crap out of me! But, I headed out the door with Tucker on his 15′ training leash, thinking I could kill two birds […]

Let The Dog Training Begin!

He Might Actually be “The Dog Whisperer” I spent so much time in yesterday’s post talking about Food, I forgot to tell you all about the Dog Trainer! He came on Monday, and he brought all of these tools! Whistle, Chains, Leashes, Squirt Bottles, a Book and a DVD!  The trainer was here for almost 2 hours, and well, lets just say, I now have a Full Time job. Everything he said, made sense. Dog’s apparently learn just like kids do, you just go about things a little differently, but patience and consistency are crucial. I knew that already, I just did’t know what it is exactly that I am supposed to be being consistent about! Now, I have a clue.  I’ll do whatever it takes to get Tucker to only potty and poop outside and for the two of these dog’s to stop with their Bark-a-Thons! I’ll keep you […]

2014 Summer Bowl for Kid’s Sake!

Big Brother’s Big Sister’s Annual Bowl for Kid’s Sake I am officially a Big Sis to Samone, thanks to the Big Brother Big Sister organization. We have had three great visits so far and I am really looking forward to watching our relationship grow! She is a sweetheart!     This is the only Fund Raising that I will be involved with. The biggest fund raiser of the year for The Big Brother Big Sister Organization is the Annual Bowling Event that will take place in July. I have my team of six ready to go and we are scheduled for a Saturday Kegs and Eggs Bowling Event! Yep, that’s right, we get to eat eggs and drink beer! This is my kind of Fund Raising! Each team of six players has a goal of $900 to raise. I am asking for donations of any amount. $1 to $25 would […]

Lot’s of Yummy Food!

But First Before I talk about food, let me just tell you that while running my ONE mile on Monday morning, I thought, well…maybe I should run two today. Then I thought….No, just enjoy the goal that you have already set for yourself and be proud of it. (My goal is to run ONE mile everyday this month.) Then I thought, well…I could see if this Pokey Ass of mine could turn my 12 Minute Mile into a 10 Minute Mile, so that’s what I am aiming for by the end of the month! Yesterday morning, I finished my mile in just over 11 minutes! That’s progress!   Okay….Food. When Mike and I went to brunch on Sunday, one of the items on the menu was Coddled Eggs over Mashed Potatoes. It’s a soft cooked egg over mashed potatoes, and you are to mix it all up, and then dip […]

Best 24 Hour Staycation Ever!!

A Little More Anniversary Celebrating! Mike and I decided to celebrate our 15th Wedding Anniversary ALL month long, and that’s exactly what we did! We started off the month with a trip to Napa Valley with friends. A few days after we got home, we celebrated on our actual anniversary with a simple dinner out. The day after THAT, our wine was delivered that we had ordered on our Napa trip, so we opened up our first bottle and celebrated a little more. Then we decided we needed a little alone time, so on Saturday afternoon, after a long and busy month, we checked into a hotel, and pretended to be out of town. It’s a Staycation, people, and I highly recommend it! We checked into a hotel on the Country Club Plaza around 4:00 on Saturday afternoon. I was excited about the room, because it had a “Furnished Balcony […]