The Best Burger in Kansas City!

Wednesday was a MUCH busier day than Tuesday. I woke up to an oddly beautiful red sky, and a thunderstorm that made rolling out of bed really difficult. If I didn’t have dogs, I would not have gotten out of bed. Thank you, dogs. I had a walking date with a few friends at 8:00 am, but due to the storm, we had to cancel. Sidenote: Schedule a walking date with a friend, or a group of friends! I know that it helps to get me out of the door on days when I am struggling, and I walk faster AND further! Where was I? Okay….so I stayed in my P.J.’s a little longer, which was nice, then to Beauty of the Bistro Food Truck for a little Wednesday fun. I swear this is the best job ever. I just take the orders, take the money, and talk to people […]

I Finally Bought Paint! Dinner was an Accident.

I have nothing super exciting to say today, so I’m going to tell about the paint color I decided on yesterday. I’m not even kidding. Oh, and I threw some things in a pan for dinner, and they tasted really good together. I’ve been pondering a new bedroom wall color for months now. I wanted a change and I wanted to brighten things up, but I had no idea what I wanted to do. Our Master bedroom is painted a dark Barn Red right now, and the Master bath is Olive Green. Looks better than it sounds….I think. My bedroom has been those colors for about 10 years now. I didn’t want to spend a whole lot of money on redecorating, but I knew change meant new bedding, new lamps (one has been broken for years) new window treatments, and a new wall color.  I unexpectedly found curtains one afternoon […]

Motivation and Inspiration from Instagram!

I think you can find motivation and inspiration in many different forms. At times, you may be seeking motivation or inspiration, and other times, it just kind of happens! I’ve had my Instagram account for a while now. At first, I was just following different friends and family, not really knowing much about Instagram, or knowing what I was doing. Then, as I got a little more comfortable with Instagram, I learned to start using a hashtag (#)…it took me a while to stop calling it the pound sign. I really thought that was only for Twitter (which I am still getting familiar with too!), but then I realized that by using the hashtag on Instagram, I was discovering all sorts of awesome Weight Watcher members, walkers, and those that love avocado’s and eggs just as much as I do! People “hashtag” all sorts of things! You can search anything […]

Roasted Chicken and Vegetables

Roasted Chicken and Vegetables I have no idea when I made this last, nor do I know why I’ve waited so long to make it again. I think I got into such a habit of only eating skinless, boneless chicken breast, that I forgot that I could make a whole darn chicken! The PointsPlus values of a chicken thigh and a chicken leg are more than they are for a chicken breast, but sometimes, it’s just worth it to indulge a little bit, and really…..we’re talking about chicken, people. Not to be confused with Chicken People. Ha!   Oh come on. That was funny, right?  Moving on……I adapted this recipe just a tiny bit from Ina Garten’s Food Network recipe. For the most part,  the recipe’s that I looked at for Roasted Chicken and Vegetables were very similar. With lots of advice from the recipes of others, this is how […]

A Good Lazy Day….

It was a late and entertaining Saturday night, and a lazy and quiet Sunday morning. Mike and I had Brunch at home at around 11:00, because that’s when I decided to get off of the couch! We were a little low on breakfast items, so we shared an omelet, and I added to our plate what sounded good at the time. Then we didn’t eat again until we took Mike’s parents out for dinner for their birthday! I didn’t even pick the restaurant, but they picked J. Alexanders, one of MY favorite restaurants and the place that I like to go for my birthday!! I’ve slacked this last week on my exercise. I mowed the yard LAST Sunday, and I went to Yoga on Tuesday. I did a few short walks with the dogs, and that was about it. I’ve been following some really awesome and motivating people via Instagram. […]