Well, finally……

I had a successful day in the healthy eating department yesterday. I ate a smart breakfast, I packed a snack to take to the Food Truck, and I did eat lunch at the food truck, but it was a smart choice. The rest of the day felt easy to make the best choices. I drank a ton of water and I even chatted with a few neighbors before dinner who were having drinks, while I sipped on a latte. Yay!  I’ve got some sort of an icky cold, or alergies, or something, but I feel blah and still have done no exercise this week. I’m the absolute worst at knowing what “over the counter” drugs to take when I don’t feel great, so I usually take a lot of Advil and hope for the best. Yesterday I bought some DayQuil and NyQuil since all of the symptoms I have were listed on the […]

My Blog and Accountability

Between not feeling so great the last couple of days, the rainy weather with temperatures in the 60’s, and 4 days of alcoholic beverages over my long weekend, I was craving comfort food and carbs all day yesterday. I literally thought about food and eating ALL day. I don’t have any extra points left for the week, and it was my goal for the day to only eat 26 points. I ate 35 points yesterday, and that’s actually just a good guess. Blogging about how much I eat on a “bad food day” can be difficult to do because admitting to eating so much in one day is embarrassing. Having this blog has saved me from some really bad binge days. I feel obligated (my choice) to blog everything that I’ve eaten. Last night I could have continued eating all evening long, but knowing I would be blogging about it this […]

Feeling a Little Blah……

It was such a long and fun weekend. The last of the long weekend of fun was a Monday night Happy Hour Birthday celebration with a few friends and more food and drink than I needed.    We actually had a Tornado Warning, and someone decided it was a great idea to go outside and take a look at the sky. This was posted to Facebook by someone living close to me.   I took this picture.   A little scary…..   But not scary enough, because we moved the party outside to the covered deck!   I ended up going to bed late on Monday night with a hint of a sore throat. Tuesday morning, I didn’t feel so great. I had a few things that I needed to get done, and by the afternoon, I was feeling pretty crappy. I did make it to the grocery store…. We literally had […]

Weekend Fun!

Since my last post, I did a little Babysitting on Thursday, went to an Engagement Party Friday, a Wedding on Saturday and a Wine Tour on Sunday. I’ve had a really busy and fun weekend with lots of family and friends…and lots of food and drinks. Thursday night I babysat one of my granddaughter’s, Charlotte, at her house and spent the night. We had a great time playing, but I must admit, I was not prepared for the trigger foods that can be found in the house where children live, so after Charlotte crashed on me at 7:30, I had a few too many crackers and potato chips while binge watching Orange is the New Black, but I had gone to the grocery store in advance and made myself a salad for dinner! Terribly unflattering picture of me and my salad, adorable picture of Charlotte! I love this kid.   Friday, I […]

Happy July!

Happy July!  It’s time to set some new goals to keep me on the healthy track. I like short term goals. I do best with those. My 5 Week Challenge was perfect for me. Now I’ve come up with a plan for Exercise, Food and Drink for July and August.    Exercise… I really love my walks, but I’m going to increase how often I go to Jazzercise and Yoga and hopefully increase my cardio for the next two months. Food… When I eat more than half of my extra 49 Weekly points, I maintain, but I don’t lose. I need to stick to the 26 Daily Points, and just barely dip into those extra 49 points as little as possible. Drinks… I need limits on my dang drinks!   Here is my plan for July and August. Exercise Jazzercise three times a week (I’ve never gone more than once or twice a week) Yoga one time […]

5 Week Challenge…Day 35…The End

Yesterday was the last day of my 5 Week Challenge. I walked 25 miles a week for 5 weeks. Not only did I walk 125 miles in 5 weeks, I also managed to squeeze in a few Yoga classes, and a few Jazzercise classes. Minus a few occasions, I ate mostly Weight Watcher Simply Filling Foods. I only lost 4 pounds in the past 5 Weeks, but I blame my love of beer for that. Okay, I blame me. I’m really not upset though. I feel good about my accomplishments. Making an exercise and food challenge for myself forces me to get out and exercise on the days that it would be so easy for me to make excuses to NOT exercise. It also reminds me to eat more fruits and veggies and lean protein. My husband started walking with me, and he hasn’t done any type of exercise in […]