I’m really enjoying connecting with people on Zoom. Maybe it’s a Zoom Happy Hour with friends, maybe it’s a work team meeting or maybe it’s a WW Workshop. Either way, it feels so good to see so many friendly faces out there!
Short and sweet today.
1 Scoop WW Protein Powder, 1 C Almond Milk and a few ice cubes. Topped with 1 tsp Nut Butter and a few Cacao Nibs.

For some reason, Cashew Chicken sounded good. I had no Chicken. I had no Cashews. I did have these items though and this satisfied my craving and was surprisingly tasty! I eat weird sometimes. You know that.

I cooked the Cauliflower Risotto Medley in the microwave as directed, then added it to a hot skillet with a little sesame oil, coconut aminos (soy sauce substitute) and Macadamia nuts. I know. Crazy, right? Scrambled an egg in the middle and Tada! Cashew Chicken, but not really Cashew Chicken at all! Made two servings.
We are eating very little take out, but I do want to support the area restaurants, Mike loves the little Mexican place up the street, so he grabbed take out last night. This Grilled Chicken Taco salad is HUGE! Beans and Rice and a Tortilla on the bottom of the bowl. I scooped out half for dinner.
Those are my PJ pants peeking under that foil bowl! How many of you are living day to day in your pj pants?
Met my water goals. Ever notice how good staying hydrated can be for your skin?
I didn’t do a darn thing yesterday to be active. I spent hours on my computer and I have no excuse for the amount of time I spent on my tush.
How do you like my Virtual Workshop Space? I felt like I needed props. I have a legit WW Studio in the spare bedroom.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Well every time you comment I smile ear to ear!😊❤️😊
I’m so happy I get to see you too! And to hear you. “wow, she got it going on” Cracking up!!
Nancy, it does feel a little different sitting instead of standing but I guess I don’t mind it. Everything feels so different but I feel a connection to the members that I didn’t expect to feel. I would love to hear your voice in a workshop! ❤️ Did you know that you can call in on your phone? Let me know if you’re interested.
🤣 Some days, it just doesn’t happen. I’m glad you like my pretend studio.😆
Every time I read your posts I am always glad I found your blog.
I DID notice your WW props during our Thursday zoom mtg – I thought “wow, she got it going on”!! I’m just thankful for your commitment and love seeing you every week!
Do you feel different leading your workshop sitting down instead of standing?
You deserve an A+ for your home studio.
I don’t miss the green bucket chairs I have at my meeting place.
Hope you have weather you can enjoy this weekend.
Yes, on the PJ bottoms! And can I say thank you for admitting you didn’t do any exercise/activity yesterday? If you never missed a day, I would begin to think you’re not human. Glad to know you are. And you absolutely look like you were in a studio! You totally had me fooled!