It was a pretty full Saturday over here. I was waiting for a sunny afternoon with no rain in the forecast so I could finish painting the outside of “Effie”. I’ve been doing a section at a time when we have a sunny day. This is a good time to mention, this is an absolutely terrible paint job. Embarrassing really. But here’s the deal. I bought her to play with, to enjoy, to create, to travel, to wander, to dream, to write in, to read, to cook in, to draw and paint in, to make new friends in and I’m really having a blast doing all of those things. The travel, wander and make new friends are on hold, but she’ll be ready to go when we can hit the road again.
I would love to one day take paint the outside back to her original color, but that would take me paying a pro to do that, so for now, I embraced the fact that someone had decided to paint her black and I like being a little different than everyone else, so for now, she’s black and I think she is just the cutest.

Now that I’ve gotten to know her a little bit better, I have a few things that I’d like to change the way that I did on the inside. I’m currently shopping online for white/gray peel and stick floor tiles. I took down all of my black window trim and screens and I’m painting those white and replacing the screens. I want her as light and bright as possible inside. I’m now considering painting that backsplash white too. We’ll see. I’m having fun playing.

Before heading over to paint, I did this short little Stretch audio in the Aptiv section of the WW App. If you’re a WW member looking for a variety of things to do, they have close to 20 workouts in there now and several are less than 20 minutes. Maybe you’ll find something you like? Between this and painting all day, I decided that was plenty of movement.

In other news…….I was asked by the WW Social Media Team on Friday if I would like to make a short video sharing three tips that are keeping me motivated while spending so much time at home, so I made a quick little video and sent it in. WW posted four coaches yesterday sharing tips and they included mine! I was pleasantly surprised and while that was awesome, I think I was more excited that my daughter Tess captured it and shared these sweet words on her own Instagram page. this on her page. I’m gloating just a little bit.

Also, I did laundry. All the pj pants.

I was hoping this would be delicious, but it wasn’t so I won’t bore with all the details or share the link, but I tried to make a breakfast biscuit with almond flour.
When I’m zoned in on a project, I don’t stop for breaks, so lunch was lots of water.
We ordered take out. I ordered a Blackened Salmon Caesar, and they made mistakenly made Chicken, so then threw in a piece of Salmon. I ate em both. I was starving!

Happy Sunday friends.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
It was on the WW Instagram page. There is a coach talking about her tips then you have to swipe to see the next coaches. I’m the fourth coach so the fourth slide. Kind of fun!
Effie looks fabulous! She is just the cutest little home sweet home on wheels. But how did I miss your video on WW’s motivation tips? I read the article but didn’t see any videos. Do tell!