In yesterday‘s post I said I was going grocery shopping and for you to wish me luck! I’m just gonna say that if you did wish me luck, your wish was not granted.
I recently learned about a wholesale company offering something called a “community box” right now for $20. You pay $20 cash and you get whatever is in the box. I’ve talk to several (WW) members and I’ve seen many friends post on Facebook about how great this box was. I decided to give it a try. Something different. Something fun to get out and do. Add a variety to my already stressful grocery shopping. Right? I made the 30 minute drive downtown and when I got there I was overwhelmed with the amount of cars in line. There were three lines of cars coming in from three different directions to get into the parking lot to drive thru and pick up the box. I’m not good at waiting in line for much. I decided it was a nice drive as I was enjoying sipping on my coffee and listening to my music with the windows down, and I left. I went to Trader Joe’s as it was on my list for the day. I arrived in the parking lot at 8:50 am. From 8 AM to 9 AM they are offering shopping to seniors. I thought perfect, I’ll finish my coffee and wait until 9 o’clock to shop. About five minutes later the other shoppers that were sitting in the parking lot started getting out of their cars and forming a line. I got in line and stood behind about 12 people. We of course were waiting for one shopper to come out so one shopper could go in. The longer I stood there the more I became aware of the anxiety I was feeling. For some reason standing there 6 feet apart looking at everyone with their mask on just got to me. So I got in my truck and came home.
I left my house early in the morning yesterday with great expectations of all that I would accomplish and I was home by 9:30 and had done nothing. I eventually did go back to Trader Joe’s and was able to get my shopping done that I wanted to do there, but yesterday was one of those days where nothing was really going the way I was expecting it to go.
Just a couple of my favorites from Trader Joe’s.
The only food picture worth sharing from yesterday. Thank you Becky for reminding me to give this seasoning a try!

Along with grocery shopping not going as planned, I ran into problems with putting my screens on in my trailer and that took about four times longer than I was expecting it to take.
It’s funny really, because last weeks topic in the WW workshop was what we “can” control and what we “can’t” control. If we focus on what we do have control over, we can lessen some of the stress and anxiety that we may be feeling. We can then put ourself in the driver seat.
Well, as hard as I tried yesterday, I felt like not only was I in the passengers seat, but I was riding on the struggle bus, it was packed full and I was sitting in the back row feeling claustrophobic as heck!
The optimistic part of me knows the reality of what I do have control over right now is limited so I need to focus on those things. Yesterday was just one of those days where I felt like I had no control of anything. Or at least very little. I attempted fries in my new air fryer and that was a flop. I tried to concoct a new seasoning for some simple baked chicken fingers. Also a flop. We ate some leftovers and I’ll give the air fryer a try another day. I never did go on a walk yesterday but I did have 8,500 steps for the day. At 8 o’clock I decided to go to bed.
The leaves are starting to fill in. Maybe I’ll just spend the day out there.
Today is a new day.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I’m so sorry to hear you had such an off day. Lot of those going around these days. “I was riding on the struggle bus …” LOVE that. (You should write books!) Seriously, you had a rotten day but you made it through, got to bed early, and greeted the new day on that beautiful back porch with a fresh attitude and you shared from your heart. You survived. Atta girl.
I haven’t been in a store in 2 years so I was surprised by your picture to see the shelves still so empty that early in the morning.
It looks like you got a good variety from those two stores.
I just hope all that food people are buying gets eaten in the end.