Yesterday I gave myself permission to not do a damn thing. It was perfect. It was just what I needed.
I started the day with coffee on the deck. I relaxed. I rested. I had zero expectations of my day except to just chill. After my morning Workshop I packed my lunch and headed over to Effie, my travel trailer. I cranked up the tunes while I put my new trim and screens up inside. I made a pot of coffee, I wrote in my journal, I made another pot of coffee (It’s the mini pot). I shopped on Amazon and ended up buying a peel and stick chalkboard for my mini fridge, new rugs and new curtains for Effie. It’s dangerous sometimes just to sit in her in and dream about things I think I need. Coffee taste better there, especially when I drink it out of my little vintage coffee cups.

Then I decided to curl up with my coffee and watch a movie. I watched The Perks of being a Wallflower on Netflix while listening to the rain drops. Listening to it rain while sitting in Effie may now be a new favorite thing to anticipate. I was so completely relaxed. Then I watched the live Melissa Ethridge concert on Facebook (she does this every day at 5:00 and has been for over a month now!), then it was time for a Zoom Happy Hour with my high school girlfriends. I didn’t get home until after eight. Mike gets that occasionally I just need my Julie time and I’m so thankful he gets me, or at least pretends to.
This is a pretty good spot to spend the day on your bum!

After spending so much time in her, I’ve decided all the decor needs to be white and gray with only a few splashes of the turquoise to go with the sink and stove. The yellow needs to go. I should receive the white curtains within a few days. Also excited for new and bigger rugs to cozy things up even more. I may even take the table out (that I made recently) and paint it white. Can’t decide. I bought a white shag rug for under the table, which I’m certain I’ll regret my first rainy camping trip! But dang it will be cute!
A huge Honeycrisp apple and coffee. You know what an apple looks like and I forgot to take a picture.
The Chicken Strips I made the night before that I didn’t love and some blueberries. Everything taste better in the camper.
Simple breakfast burritos. I filled these with scrambled eggs, canadian bacon and cheese. I like to put these in a hot skillet with a little Olive Oil spray to make them crispy.

Today is a full day and apparently I’m well rested because I’ve been wide awake since 3:00 am.
Have a great day!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Nancy, that screened in deck has been such a nice addition. I didn’t really know what to expect but we are certainly enjoying it! You know I love my Effie though! 🤣
Hi Debbie! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It’s always fun to find out who’s reading and what inspires different readers. I hope you are staying safe and doing well in all of the crazy right now. Thanks for reading! ❤️
Thank you Shelley! It does feel good to be back Blogging again daily. I just might keep this up!
It really was a perfect day Diane. I hope you are doing some nice relaxing as well and taking care of yourself.😘 Thanks for all of your sweet comments and support.
Ok I like Effie but that back porch with that fireplace would call my name.
And second reason a bathroom!–lol.
Hi Julie!
My name is Debbie & I have been following you for awhile now. You are such an inspiration. This is the first time I have commented. Thank you for sharing your life. I always look forward to reading your posts. Take care 🙂
Loving your daily updates! Thank you
Sounds like a perfect day after the one before! You allowed some Julie-time to refresh and rejuvenate. Good for you! Thanks for reminding the rest of us how important that is, especially now. And in the process, your creative-you started popping new ideas. Love that!