Feel It on the First May 2020

I did not do a “Feel it on the First” post April 1. I was finding it difficult to post my monthly reminder in the middle of a pandemic. I can’t imagine someone discovering a lump and then be diagnosed with cancer while also possibly dealing with the loss of a job or trying to homeschool their children or worrying about their family and friends health or working on the front lines. It just seemed like too much to ask of someone. Posting that reminder sounded like more stress than anyone should have to deal with. But today I thought to myself, life does go on and we still need to be taking care of ourselves. We have to continue to feel for any lumps, bumps, dimples or changes in skin color. Right now, more than ever, we need to be taking care of ourselves. I would hate for anyone in the middle of this pandemic to be told that they had cancer but that is the reality of what is happening right now. People are still going through really tough stuff while also going through this pandemic. Early detection could save your life, so as difficult as it may be right now in this trying time where everything is still so unfamiliar and unpredictable, please continue to practice self-care. Check your breasts. Tell your family and friends to do the same. Men and women. I hope that in checking your breast you notice absolutely no changes and that you continue to be healthy. Sending an enormous hug to all of you going through a diagnosis right now, to all of you in chemo or radiation right now, to all of you that are currently making decisions about reconstruction and to all of you taking the time each month to do a self breast exam. Stay safe. Stay healthy. 


Egg White Omelet filled with leftover potatoes and broccoli topped with smashed avocado and side of watermelon, which was SOOOO sweet and yummy.


More melon and leftovers.


Blueberry Mess. Granola, fresh blueberries in the microwave for 1 minute topped with Nut Butter.


Canned chicken ( I bought a ton early in the pandemic because I couldn’t find chicken breast and freaked out a little bit) mixed with mayo, celery, Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Seasoning and diced apple. This didn’t taste amazing. Not gonna lie. Just not a canned chicken fan.

Quick post. In and Out. Stuff to do!

Make today amazing!!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”