Since March I had not been to see any of my “ist”, until recently that is.
My last hair cut was in March. My hair felt so damaged. I finally booked an appointment with Anne, my daughter, my cosmetologist.
How many of you have been avoiding your “ist” because of Corona?
I had and I decided to hit em all up!
The oncologist, the gastroenterologist, the optometrist the gynecologist the dentist and next week the dermatologist.
Yep, hittin em all.
How about you? You seeing all of your “ist”?
Fun Stuff
I’ve got two camping trips planned for the month of September. My mom has been saying that she wants to camp with me since I bought Effie, so we’re going to give it a go. My mom has a birthday in September, and since camping is one of those safe things we can do, I’m celebrating my mom and taking her camping with me. Pray for us!
I have another trip planned alone for 4 nights. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy these alone trips?
I took two of my grand daughters over to Effie one afternoon to eat lunch, but it was super hot so we made a picnic in the bed of my truck and that worked out perfectly! I told them they could take all of the pillows and blankets out of Effie, so they did.
We took a drive last night and ended up with an impromptu grandkid visit. We hung out in front of the house since we just kinda showed up unannounced! It was short and sweet but just what we needed.
WW Work
Things are changing at work due to Covid. Half of my workshops will close this week, which really is a bummer. I’m incredibly fortunate to still have workshops as some of my coworkers now have none. I know this is a temporary thing, but it’s a long term temporary thing and I don’t like it.
At one of my recent doctor visits, they did blood work to test me for Rheumatoid Arthritis. The test thankfully came back negative, but now I have no idea whats going on with my body. My joints specifically. Hands. Feet. Hips. Also, my energy level feels off.
Mike and I did an elimination diet back in 2015 and we both really felt great. I then embraced eating a mostly Paleo diet for a long time. Eventually I began eating foods I had eliminated and now I think I am eating more of those foods than I realize.
Starting today, we are doing it again. I know sugar has a huge impact on how my body feels, but I’ve never really experienced the extent of what I’m currently feeling, so before going to any more “ist”, Mike agreed to do this with me. The health benefits will be great for both of us, and then after 30 days I will reintroduce one food group at a time to see if I can find out if something I’m eating might be making me feel so cruddy.
I have a few things that need my attention, so I’m going to take the month of September and focus on them. I’ll be back October 1st to share camping trip stories and let you know how I feel after eliminating sugar, dairy, grains, legumes, beans and alcohol for 30 days.
Feel It On the First
Today is the 1st of the month, so please remember to do your monthly self breast exam. Yesterday I celebrated THREE years Cancer Free! I can’t believe it was three years ago that I had my double mastectomy. I found my lump mid June and had a cancer diagnosis by mid July. Six weeks later, on August 31st, I had my mastectomy. That was such a strange six weeks knowing I had cancer inside of my body. I feel so lucky that I was able to have surgery and remove my cancer with no radiation or chemo. Happy Cancer Free to me! I feel extremely fortunate.
Now go feel your boobs!

Have an Happy and Healthy September! It’s one of my favorite months and camping is going to be amazing!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Awesome! Thanks Kathy.
🥰 I look forward to seeing you! Our 8:30 is closing but we are keeping the 10:00 am!
Julie, I buy my collage peptides from Amazon. I’ve tried a few different brands and have found the Physician’s Choice brand is my favorite. Most of the ones that claim to be “unflavored” really leave a bad aftertaste, but this one doesn’t. I take a scoopful daily in my last dregs of coffee, but it can be mixed into any drink, yogurt, soup, etc.
I’m so sorry to hear that half of your workshops are closing!, but I’m so glad you let me know that the Friday mornings shops will still be meeting. I’ve got an appointment this Friday, but will shoot to be there next week. Meanwhile, take care of YOU and feel better. Praying for you!
Kathy, Thank you for letting me know. I always appreciate when someone tells me they do that because of my reminder. 🥰 I feel like a friend has recommended collagen peptides before and I’ve never looked into it. Where do you buy yours? I would try it. Thanks so much for recommending!!
So awesome that you are cancer free for 3 years! I will be feeling my boobs tonight because of your reminder. Have you considered taking collagen peptides? I’ve been taking it in powder form (added to water or coffee) daily for about 6 months. I started because of knee and hip pain that my doctor said was the beginning of arthritis. Ugh. Collagen also helps with bone density and skin elasticity (what wrinkles?), along with other benefits. Whether or not it’s the collagen, I have NO joint pain and only a few fine-line wrinkles. (I’m now 59.) Perhaps your searching will lead to other discoveries to eliminate the issues you’re dealing with…life is too short to have pain!
Hi Kim,
Congratulations on being a 20 year breast cancer Survivor! I’m sorry to hear about the new Hashimoto’s diagnosis but it sounds like you’re doing great! I did have lab work and was low on vitamin D and B 12 so I am taking supplements and now my labs all look good from that. I really am hoping that in switching up the diet I will figure out something. It’s all super frustrating. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and following along. Have an awesome week!
Oh my goodness they’re all just so cute.💕 I love that you’re going to do a month of exercise! You have to come back here and comment on this post and let me know how it’s going for you. Or send me an email! It’s going to be an awesome month!
I have osteoarthritis in my knees and it really wears on my mood some days. I am having more empathy for my mom the older I get and the more I feel my body begin to ache. Hopefully switching up the diet a little bit will help with the inflammation. I would love to have you in a virtual workshop one day if that something you can do. I hope you get your in person workshop back soon! I know members are really missing it. Have a great week Nancy!
It’s going to be a great 30 days, I just know it. We have let a few bad habits creep back in and it’s time to say goodbye to those. I still have my Monday night virtual workshop and my Friday morning virtual workshop if you ever want to visit. I’d love to see you! Happy September Diane! 😘
Hi Julie,
I’ve been following you for a while. I’m a lifetime WW member and a 20 year breast cancer survivor. I don’t usually comment but in January was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and felt very similar to what you are describing. I had to completely change my diet and required B-12 shots, vitamin D-k2. (I’m live at the beach and am in the sun all the time. My body wasn’t absorbing vitamin D) Anyway, after 6 months all is back to normal without prescription meds. Hopefully, changing up your diet will help. -Kim
Congratulations on being cancer free for three years and forever! Blessings to you with those adorable grandkids. So sweet I would never want to leave.
Julie, I think I’ll follow your lead and dedicate myself to a month of exercise. I never ever commit but I think you’ve opened my mind to trying new things. So here’s to a great September and a cure for COVID and lastly for back to our old normal. Enjoy every day!
I admire how you attack concerns.
I have arthritis but I haven’t even googled it to see what I could do to relieve it.
I do know losing weight helps the joints.
I’ve made some doctor appointments but not all (dentist is last on my list–ugh).
I haven’t made it to an in person WW meeting yet but I’m still praying for that.
I would so miss the meetings if they ever went away.
I hope you find out the answers to your questions and that September brings a lot of good memories.
First off, CONGRATULATIONS on your third anniversary Cancer-Free! That’s a huge celebration! I’ll be praying for you and Mike as you re-calibrate your health/food choices. It’s so easy to slip just a little, day by day, not even realizing the impact those changes have on your body. I hope you both feel 100% better by this time next month. I’m so sorry to hear of the changes to your WW workshop schedule, but I understand it. Everything is so abnormal – STILL! How thrilled will we all be when all this is behind us! Have a great time with your mom – what a sweet birthday gift! Have a wonderful September “off the grid” and we’ll look forward to hearing from you in October!