Hi friends!
How is your December going so far? Are you taking care of yourselves? I know the holiday time can be an exciting time and it can also be a rough time for many as there are a lot of emotions around this time of year. This year more than ever it’s important to take care of your mental health. Take time out for yourself. Recognize when you’re not feeling so great and when you need to reach out to a friend or loved one for support. Don’t forget to reach out to those that may live alone and might be feeling a little extra down this year as we all maneuver through December 2020.
I’m always here for you and welcome you to email me.
Please remember to do your monthly self breast exam! That will always be something I will make a priority to mention here monthly even if I miss reminding you on the first of the month.

My Dumb Thumb
I had a few titles for todays post, one of which was “My Five Days Trippin”. I went with “Five Days Wasted” since I really feel like I lost those 5 days after surgery and I felt completely wasted and out of it. On major pain meds in this picture of me with my “Swiss cheese” support foam. You know sometimes I think I’m funny, so just go with it.
It’s been an interesting beginning to December over here at our house. Boring doesn’t make for a good read. I had surgery for a ruptured tendon in my thumb on December 1 and spent the next five days basically losing my mind. This all began with a trigger thumb issue over two years ago followed with a series of cortisone shots the past two years, then a simple surgery in October (not sure why surgery wasn’t recommended sooner?) to release the trigger thumb. I had healing complications for the next several weeks, then the tendon ruptured two days before Thanksgiving. Apparently too many cortisone shots can weaken the tendon but a ruptured tendon is extremely rare, according to my hand surgeon who is a Harvard graduate and highly respected in his field. I think I just had some bad luck. My body does not like anesthesia and it also does not like prescription pain pills and the days following this past surgery were crazy. The pain was pretty intense when I woke up in recovery so I went ahead and started the pain meds knowing my body doesn’t respond well to them. I only took them for two and a half days but the effects they had on my body sent me into days of hallucinating, depression, sweats and anxiety. It was awful.
Those few days felt like weeks of being as low as one could go. Anyhow, I’m feeling much better now. I mean much much better. Thank goodness! Somewhere around Sunday evening, five days after surgery, I started to feel like myself. I’ve now had my post-op appointment and the cast was removed and replaced with a splint.
I go back in one week to have the stitches removed and for additional physical therapy exercises. I am already on my first week of physical therapy exercises four times a day. Who knew a little thumb could be so much trouble? I’m told to expect to be in the splint anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks 24/7 depending on how things go.
What are we eating?
Good question.
Even through those rough days I was pretty adamant about sticking to the way I had been eating. I cooked up a few things for us the few days before surgery but we went through it pretty quickly. Day 4 and 5 I ate whatever was easy for Mike to grab for us for dinner. One night we ordered Chinese food and my meal was gross but I devoured two Crab Rangoon! Since then I’ve been eating eggs, avocados, nuts, fruit and snacking on raw veggies. I just made a trip to the grocery store and bought lots of pre-cut veggies that should make meal prep easy. I’m going to put Mike to work in the kitchen this week. I’ll keep you posted. He’s more of a microwave guy.
WW Coaching
WW Virtual Workshops are going to more of a National Platform starting this week. I applied for the National Virtual Workshop Coach position but unfortunately did not get it. Stepping away from the WW Ambassador program and all Social Media one week prior to that announcement of this position within the company did me no favors. I do think I would have been offered the position as my interviews went really well until that topic came up. I knew I didn’t get the job before that last interview ended based on my new social media decision. I think I already shared that here? I’m bummed but happy and fortunate to have two Workshops here in a Studio on Wednesdays.
I’ve really enjoyed being able to Coach virtually and connect with members (and blog readers) in that way. That will be ending for me tomorrow. I recently found out that my one virtual workshop that I had left will be closing. This has really been hard news to take as some members have followed me there from my other workshops that have closed here in the KC area and it gave me the opportunity to see some of you wonderful people. Friday (tomorrow) is my last day. If any of you want to come say “Hi” or “Bye” it would be great to see you all!
Friday morning 10:00 am CT. Go to Zoom.com, click on “Join a meeting” and enter this meeting ID 2898921907. Or find me in your WW App in the Lawrence, Ks Connect Group. Lets have a great last Virtual Workshop together! We’re talking about “Boundaries” for the month of December and establishing boundaries can be a powerful tool for your health journey and for many areas of your life!
Tuesday I headed out for my first walk in several days. I went for 2 miles and was zapped. It’s crazy warm here right now which is so nice but may not last long. Yesterday I got in a 3 mile walk while chatting with my daughter Tess while she walked in Dallas so that was nice and made the walk go fast! I need to head out now and get those steps in! I discovered a Hands Free Yoga with Adrienne video on Youtube so I’ll give that a try as well. She literally has so many options available!!
Then I’ll be right here.

I hope you’ve had a great day!
Until next time!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
You are just the sweetest! I’ve actually thought about doing a YouTube channel over the last couple years. Maybe you’re right. Maybe this is just the nudge I need to get it started! Thank you Lucy so much for your thoughtful comments and I appreciate your encouragement.❤️❤️❤️
So sorry to hear about your WW Ambassadorship. But I always say when one door closes it’s an opportunity knocking for something bigger and better. Just a thought, why not create your own group? You’ve been so very helpful for years and I’ve never attended your workshop. Just your blog & Instagram – take it to another level and get on Tick Tock (spell?) or YouTube. Everyone can use your helpful tips and you are a master storyteller. I would sign up. I hope you heal up real soon. Blessings to you and the family this Christmas. XOXO Bunnylu
Hi friend! I miss you Jamie. I miss working together and seeing your smiling face. Recovery is going well and Mike needs all the luck he can get his way.🤣🤣🤣
Cathy, I am so sorry to hear that your husband fell and broke his hip! I know that must be a challenge for both of you. Sending prayers for healing. I miss having you as a member! If you are ever up for driving to Olathe let me know and I’ll send you the workshop information. I invited the Lawrence group from Friday to join me next Friday in the Overland Park 10 AM virtual workshop. You can find us there if you are back working WW. Take care of yourself and happy holidays to you and your hubby.
Ugh! I’m sorry about the thumb, the drugs, the workshop, the coaching – everything. I miss you – it was good while it lasted. Hope your recovery is swift and painless! And good luck to Mike!
I am so very sorry to hear that you will not be doing the Friday meeting online in the future. You have been such a positive force in my life. After my last email to you my husband fell and broke his hip. I will get back to following the WW plan soon. I will miss your leadership. Cathy