That’s my word for 2021. Fearless.
For many reasons, I’m approaching several things, small or large, with a fearless attitude.
The thumb splint came off Tuesday this week. Yay! I only had to wear it for 6 weeks and I thought it was going to be longer. I mean, the tip of my thumb only bends at a 5° angle but I am told with continued weeks of PT, that will improve. I only have to wear the splint for protection if i’m doing something active, but I can now sleep and shower as a free woman!!

As my doctor gave me the okay to remove my splint, he followed that with, “You might wanna wear it if you’re doing something really active like if your grandkids come over.” Three of them were at my house waiting for me to get back from the doctor so I promptly put it back on!
I had a great few days with these sweet things. A bubble bath at Gigi‘s house is a must. This was three year old Sawyer‘s first bubble bath experience here. While enjoying the many bubbles, one of the kids announced that they had to go pee….bad. When you gotta go you gotta go. Well, that floor is now super clean.
All three kids happily entertained my idea of playing with my old Barbie toys and the newer Barbie toys. I love that my parents saved so many of my toys. I have so much fun thinking about playing with these as a kid and getting to share them with the grandkids.
Not my dolls, but these are my Barbie clothes and blow up furniture from the early 70’s along with my beautifully crocheted rug that my grandma made for me during her pot holder making days.
My 1970’s Pink fold up Barbie case. We had three different households set up! I’m not sure who had more fun. Possibly me.

One afternoon we made individual pizzas for lunch and I had each of them put the sauce and toppings on their own pizza, even Sawyer. It was hard to take his picture while making sure he didn’t fall off the kitchen stool, but he did his own sauce and cheese with such pride.
We built a fire on the deck and cuddled up to roast marshmallows one afternoon. It wasn’t warm outside but the sun was shinning bright so we took a walk each day. We snuggled up in bed together and read bedtime stories. We spent some time in the exercise room and everybody had something different they wanted to do. It was a great few days with these kids. I miss our big get togethers but I will take them in little spurts when I can.
The weekend before we had the two oldest here and there was some serious Ping Pong games and Chess happening!

This is one of the small things I continue to put on the back burner. I would like to learn a little about playing the piano. I love the sound of the keys even when just playing around. This was my grandma‘s piano and the story my dad has shared with me of how it came into the family has special meaning. This piano was meant to be enjoyed with family around it and as the third generation to have it in my home, I’m going to give it a go.
When I opened the bench of the piano I remembered that several of my grandmothers beginner piano lesson books were in there. I pulled one out and gave myself a 30 minute lesson. I played an instrument in grade school and junior high but I haven’t read any music in a long time, so lesson number one was getting familiar again with reading music. Next step, learning chords on the piano. It’s a start!
I labeled the keys for the kids, but its helpful for Gigi too! However, I may need to remove those so I learn how to look for the actual key instead of a letter. I think I just planned the beginning of lesson number two!

My New Virtual Workshop
Today was week two of my virtual workshop that I got to start from scratch. We had 29 members week one and today I had 28 members. I saw some faces today that I didn’t see last week and I know a few that were able to make it last week couldn’t make it this week. I’m hoping for an average of 25 to 35 members and so far its looking good!
These are some of the most supportive people you’ll ever meet! If you are a WW Member and you’d like to join us, you can email me and I can share with you the information necessary.

Now that I’m splint free I’ll be cooking more. Turns out Mike is not really a soux chef after all, but I knew that. Ive been buying lots of pre-cut fresh veggies and eating pretty boring things. Nothing has tasted too amazing so back at making yummy foods and pretty plates.
I recently discovered (while grocery shopping for the grandkids) Birch Benders makes a frozen Paleo Waffle! I’ve been using the pancake mix for a long time, but its nice to have something quick that fits into my plan.
Great with an Egg and Avocado or a Banana and Almond Butter! Or… if you skipped breakfast because you were playing with three young kids, have both!
These few days had me thinking about my own kids as parents and all of the parents out there and how hard it can be to please young taste buds and eat healthy and the time it can take to prepare healthy meals. My hats off to you if you are a parent right now making this work! You are AMAZING!!

The last couple of days I’ve spent a lot of time over in Effie journaling, reading, sipping hot tea. I have an electric blanket over there that is awesome and keeps me nice and warm along with a cup of hot tea. It’s so nice to have her as a little getaway. This will be the first winter I’ve left her plugged in and uncovered. I hope she doesn’t mind the winter. I think she likes my company.

I hope I brought a smile to your face today.
Smiles bring happiness.
Happy people tend to make healthier choices.
Happy FriYaY!
Until next time.
“love the life you live, live the life you live”
Forgot to add … the detail on your piano is stunning! What a priceless heirloom! I hope you’ll add many happy memories on its keys this year.
Ronda. I’m not even kidding. As I was posting that I thought to myself, I wonder if Rhonda had this Barbie case. Sisters separated. I’m telling ya!😂😂
Yay! Split free and playing with the kids like I am one of them.🤣🤣🤣
Hey Diane! I am so happy you have a schedule that has allowed you to follow me. I always loved “food finds” too!! Please always feel free in the reflection part of the workshop to ask members about any new foods they might be trying or new recipes when I ask if anybody has any challenges? That’s a great opportunity to get that conversation going and once members start talking about it is when we learn all sorts of new things about maybe some new food finds. I can certainly initiate that conversation as well and I’ll try to work that into my questions. I really appreciate your input and I appreciate you as a member. Have an awesome week!
de ja vou!!! I had that EXACT Barbie case! oh for the days when Ken and Barbie slept in separate beds, now… well…
AND I had that exact SAME Piano book. Very few regrets in my life, but one is begging my mom to let me quit piano lessons, and now at her age 9,2 I still harass her for actually letting me.
Looks like great times! Hugs Ronda
Hi Julie: I am in your Fri virtual group. Thanks so much for getting this going. It is a great group. One thing that I remember from meetings I have attended in the past that seems to be missing now is members sharing food finds. Products that are low points and where to buy them. Your Paleo pancake and waffle mixes are a good example. I realize that modern WW is no longer fully about weight loss (more about overall wellness), but I learn about new grocery finds by hearing about discoveries from other members. You do a great job sharing your food finds and I have learned from you. Thanks. Diane F.
Congratulations for being splint free! So glad that’s behind you now, and fingers crossed (haha) that you’ll be good as new soon. And oh my goodness, what a wonderful Gigi you are! If I ever have grandkids, you’ll be my role model. They must have had the BEST time. Loved the trail of suds to the potty! And how wonderful to have a getaway like Effie. Your very own She Shack, and such a cute one! Thanks for the great post, Julie!