Two days after my last post, my phone was ringing at 6:00 am on a Sunday morning. It was my mom. I’ve been waiting for this call. My mom is 78 years old. She’s 4’6″ and weighs 66 pounds. She small but she’s also tough, determined, stubborn and very independent. She is her mother. She’s worked at Target for just over 15 years and she now works two days a week. I’m not sure what life would look like for her without that job as it’s really the only socializing she has. So while she has just this year agreed to working only two days a week, I worry about her getting out and about as her balance isn’t so great and she is frail. The last snow I insisted on going to take and pick her up from work as she parks outside and I couldn’t imagine her scraping off her car, although she has many times when I didn’t think it was a good idea. I worry about her falling, as she falls often, but so far has been lucky with her falls as they have only bruised her skin and her ego.
My grandma, her mom, fell at the age of 72 while tending bar at the local Elks Club in the small town she lived. I always got a kick out of telling friends that she fell while tending bar. She liked that story too. Unfortunately that fall would change her life as she broke her hip in that fall. She went on to live to be 92, but it was a hard twenty years for her and I know much of those last 20 years were painful for her. She was a very proud woman and never complained. She moved in with my mom and lived with her for several years before eventually having to move into a nursing home as falls became more and more frequent while my mom was at work.
My mom has had her own worries of falling since she turned 72 and her little body has become so similar to her mothers. With this fall, my mom broke her arm. We are grateful it wasn’t a hip or a break that would temporarily limit her mobility. She was experiencing some vertigo when she got out of bed early that Sunday morning, and that led to the fall. I went over as soon as she called and tried to get her to my truck, but her vertigo was too bad and I didn’t want to risk another fall. We called 911 as we both agreed, she likely had a broken arm. She was able to come home that afternoon and it’s been a long week. We’ve been to her general practitioner and all blood work looks good. That’s great! We’ve been to the orthopedic doctor and he now has her in a more comfortable support brace than what she left the ER in. He chose not to cast it based on her thin skin and worries of sores developing. We have an appointment with the ENT this week to try to figure out the vertigo so this doesn’t happen again. She’s been trying to sleep in her recliner as lying down flat seems to bring on the vertigo even though she is taking prescription medication for that and it does seem to be helping a little.
I haven’t spent the night with her as she sends me home. She did have my grandmas walker and we cleaned that up and she promises to use it when I’m not there, but I’m not convinced that’s happening.
Anyhow, more information than I’m sure you all wanted, but that’s what’s happening over here. I’ve been with mom most of the daytime hours making sure she eats, bathing, preparing food and helping her with whatever she will allow. Did I mention stubborn?
Prayers/good vibes all appreciated. It’s hard to know what the next weeks look like. Hopefully we have some answers to the vertigo after seeing the ENT. If not, daughter may have to have a difficult conversation with mom, and I just don’t know if I’m ready for that right now. I think we were lucky with only a broken arm on this fall.
So…..when going to bed at night, in order to not lay there and worry about mom getting around her apartment, I needed a distraction. When our oldest grandson was here last (the same weekend mom fell) he asked if he was sleeping in the “creepy” room. I immediately decided that “dated” room needed a makeover. I’ve been wanting to paint and update both of the spare bedrooms for a while now, so I’ve been all over Pinterest looking for ideas the last few days. Like, I’ve become obsessed with ideas. Mom is giving me today off so I’m all about picking paint colors and getting started.
I’m obsessed with recreating this in one of the bedrooms. I stopped by Target and already found the brown blanket, the two large pillows and that plant at the foot of the bed. I found a black cable knit blanket online and ordered that as well. I have a black iron bed.

These pictures are inspiration for room number two. It’s a little chilly over in Effie right now so I’ve got projects to keep me busy. I’ve always been hesitant to do an all white room with a dark accent wall, but love the look, so I’m embracing my word “fearless” and going for it! I already have white bedding and dark wood furniture, so paint and a few new accents should do it for making the existing room not so “creepy”. lol
So, no food has sounded good at all. No time to really prepare much. Mom and I could not eat more different, although I did make chili for her Sunday and we all like that. No pretty pictures and nothing exciting. Eggs, nuts and fruit, bags of salad with rotisserie chicken have been what’s on the menu at our house.
Took this long chilly walk the day before mom fell. Haven’t had a walk since. HUGE success in the fact that I have not had ONE sweet thing at moms, and there are a LOT of options there.
Week three of my new Virtual Workshop and had 33 members! Very very excited about this workshop! Love my members so much.
Until next time.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Hi Teresa! Happy you’re here and would love to give you the support you need. Don’t give up! Living a healthy life takes a lot of hard work, but it is so worth it. If your membership is digital plus workshops, then you can attend my virtual workshop! I would love to have you!
Thanks for the prayers Diane. ❤️Also, you boost my confidence through the roof!😃😂
I’m going to try again to come to your virtual meeting. This year I was doing okay but now I’ve gained back almost all the weight I had lost…I need meetings. I did reduce the cost of my membership since I haven’t been attending any meetings so I’m not sure I’ll be able to join your meeting. Not sure why I even keep the online option since I’m not using it…..very depressing.
I just love those three photos of you at the end of your post because they show the heart of someone who’s having a tough time but not letting it get the best of her! Praying for your mom to get stronger every day and hoping the doctors can kick that vertigo’s butt! And what a great idea to work on your guest bedrooms as a distraction from worries. How fun to fix them up! I love both concepts (what would we do without Pinterest?!) and can’t wait to see how you work your magic with them. It’s one of the many things I admire so much about you … you not only THINK about tackling a project, you DO it. As a procrastinator with a long wish list of projects that are now hidden under layers of dust and neglect, you have once again inspired me! Thanks for another great post!
Kathy, you’re sweet to say I’m kind. I’m her only option! 😂 What I wouldn’t do for six or seven siblings right now. I kid but I love her dearly and I can’t imagine not being there for her. Thanks for sticking with me!
Thanks Polly! I’ll add this to my list of questions for the ENT! Yep, we gotta take care of ourselves so we can take care of them! 😬
Nancy, I miss you! Oh my goodness that is so much to be going through with your mom. Happy to hear you have been able to find a place for her to live. Each day really is a bless and thank you for sharing with me. Sending a big hug to you!! Happy to hear from you! 😘
Thank you Loretta. 😊❤️
I would LOVE to have you! I’m not a National Virtual Coach, but a Local Virtual Coach, so you can only find me if you have my workshop information. We meet on Friday mornings at 9:00 am CT in the Olathe, Ks Connect Group.
If you are joining from your desktop go to, click on “join a meeting”, and enter this Meeting ID 5952447484.
If you are joining via your mobile, then you will go to the Olathe, Ks Connect Group and click on the link provided for mobile users. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will help you find me!
Yes Anita! I would LOVE to have you! I’m not a National Virtual Coach, but a Local Virtual Coach, so you can only find me if you have my workshop information. We meet on Friday mornings at 9:00 am CT in the Olathe, Ks Connect Group.
If you are joining from your desktop go to, click on “join a meeting”, and enter this Meeting ID 5952447484
If you are joining via your mobile, then you will go to the Olathe, Ks Connect Group and click on the link provided for mobile users. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will help you find me!
Thank you Sue. 🥰 That dang candy dish!! I wanna hide it! Or throw it out the window! 😂
You have been a busy one! Taking care of your dear mom is so kind of you and is one action that you will never regret. She may be stubborn, but she has to face reality and know when it’s time to slow down and let someone spoil her! Blessings to you both and may she get stronger by the day.
Hi There,
If the doctor lets her, try lipoflavanoid for the Vertigo. I use at onset and my parents use as a daily supplement. I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s fall! May she get well soon. Great job not using the break in your routine to be a break from eating healthy. I am working on it myself…
Hi Julie!
Nice to always read about your updates!
I understand exactly what you are going through with your mom.
The same thing happened with my mom in March 2020 at her home where she had lived since 1965. During the Covid shutdown I moved her in with me. We then found a lovely independent apartment near me where she could get more care (I was working full time plus at the time) and she can have more socialization. My mother has a busier social life than me! LOL!
I had to clean out that house where my mom kept everything plus have an estate sale and put it up on the market. This house was an hour and a half drive away from me!
Then she fell again.
We then had to move her in assisted living during all of this crisis to keep her safe.
Its been hard visiting through the window with her. But I am relived she is safer and has more care. She is now 91.
2020 was a crazy year for my family but we are equally as blessed!
Taking care of our parents and elderly has opened up a whole new world for me while maintaining a job and marriage.
Each day is a blessing and I hope it will be for you!
Also trying to find out when zoom virtual Ww workshop is?
Love the blog.
Hi there,
Im a WW member also and was trying to find your virtual meeting times but didn’t have any luck. Can you please let me know so i can attend?
Thank you and love your posts!!!!
Sending hugs and hope for a good recovery for your mom. Be strong around that candy dish! Save your points for a glass of wine with hubby!