Firewood + Beer = Happy Girl
Last May we received our first half cord of wood to burn while enjoying the deck fireplace. When it was delivered, Mike was in shock of how much wood it was and made a comment somewhere along the lines of….”That’s gonna last four years!” I giggled.
He knows how much I love a fire, but because we’ve never had a wood burning fireplace, I guess he didn’t realize just how often I might enjoy it. He soon realized he really enjoyed it too.
We made it almost a year with that first load! I did use the wood pile for a few camping trips as well. When he called the company recently to set up a delivery, the guy said they were so busy he couldn’t deliver, but we could come pick it up, so yesterday we did just that! Half cord fit perfectly in the back of Lari!
Mike unloaded into the wheelbarrow and brought it around back to dump it while I stacked it. That was a decent little workout! Hello back muscles! You may be talking to me later.

We did pull the rack out away from the house about 18″ as it seems mice like wood piles. Hoping those little suckers don’t come back! These are the doors I was trapped behind a few weeks ago and also the doors a few mice thought they’d like to set up home behind!

I’m on recent recipe hunt and I gave this one a try on Friday as it was cloudy, rainy and cold and I was craving soup! Mike said nothing about this soup looked appealing to him, so he passed. Honestly, I suppose my pot of soup did not look as appealing as the pic from the website, but I did like it. I seem to be in the mood for different lately.
Creamy Paleo Chicken Soup with Mushrooms
This was a quick and easy meal this week with a few favorites. Chicken Sausage from Whole Foods and the Carrot Coins from Trader Joe’s.
The carrots not only taste great, but the stove top prep is easy and only simple ingredients.
Dinner was a cinch with some added sautéed broccoli.
I’ve recently had conversations with several friends that are struggling with a lot of different things these last few months due to all this is going on in the world right now. Please remember that you are not alone if you are struggling. Reach out to a trusted family member or friend for support. They may be struggling as well and you may find comfort in sharing with each other. I know in the conversations I have had, we all found some comfort in knowing we could share with one another and offer support.
You are not alone. You are loved and you are worthy of happiness.
I just wanted to pop in and say “hi” today.
Until next time!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”