Have you made the drive on Interstate 35 through the Flint Hills of Kansas? If you’re from the KC area, then you likely have. Perhaps you’ve made that drive on a road trip? My family made this drive regularly when I was growing up as we would drive south from KC to a small town just west of Wichita, Ks to visit my grandparents. As a kid this was a boring drive through Kansas. As an adult I began to appreciate these flowing hills and became in awe of their beauty. The Flint Hills of Kansas is actually 10,000 sq miles of flowing pasture, some privately owned and some government owned. I’ve only seen a small part of it.
This year I decided to attend an event I’d heard great stories about, but never took the opportunity to see for myself. The weekend met all of my expectations as I enjoyed the Symphony in the Flint Hills with these childhood friends!

The two beauties on each end of the above photo are sisters and we stayed at their family barn about an hour away from our destination. They had actually attended this event before and were looking forward to going again.
This is the same barn I camped at last July 4th. The inside is adorable!

Perfect spot for morning coffee, evening wine.

We drove down to the barn on Friday night through a crazy storm. I pulled over once!
Just as we pulled up to the barn the rain let up and we had a gorgeous evening with a beautiful sky and yummy snacks for dinner.

The sky was changing minute to minute and this sunset was a great ending to our day.

The gates opened at 1:00 pm Saturday afternoon and the Symphony was to play at 6:45, ending right at sunset. We arrived around 3:00 so we could enjoy the vendors and events before the symphony played and let me tell ya, it was HOT HOT HOT, but we powered through and I’d do it again!
Part of the adventure is the long walk from the parking lot to the event. There is an option to grab a hayride on a flatbed trailer, but we walked it.

Each year (this was the 16th Annual) the event takes place on a different pasture and there were several cowboys lining the path greeting us all and thanking us for coming!
You could take your own chair or rent a chair. Two of us took a chair and three rented. FYI, they’d all three carry a chair next time.
We found a nice spot on top of the hill, close to the portable potty and food and beverage tent. We drank a LOT of water staying hydrated in the heat, but also enjoyed a few cold ones. I’m not sure how many tickets they sell, but it does sell out every year.
We are sitting in the middle of Kansas preparing to listen to the symphony ya’ll!!

You had the option to stand in line and take a covered wagon ride for something fun to do before the concert began. Looked like fun, but also looked hot and I don’t like to stand in line for much, so we just enjoyed watching others enjoy. lol

Then we stood in the shade in the beverage tent. Beer followed with lots of water.

It was hard to capture the view, but I did try to get a few panoramic views. It looks like we are much further away than we were.

My absolute favorite part of the day was when all of a sudden from over the hill (all while the symphony is playing) comes the cowboys working a cattle drive for our entertainment. It is so hard to see in this picture but it was such a sight to see! They were running and they were running fast! They came down the hill and crossed behind the symphony off behind a hill to the left of the symphony. I’d buy a ticket again just to witness that cattle drive. Apparently they do this every year. I told Mike he’s going with me next year!

As the sun begins to dip down below the horizon, the director asked everyone to pull out their program and sing Home on the Range together to end the show. Magical.

I am so happy I had the opportunity to go this year and take my girls.

We spent Sunday on their cute little dock fishing. I think I’ve cast a fishing pole one other time in my life. Maybe two? Now I’m buying a fishing pole.

Getting Out and About
Mike and I went to our first Royals game in over four years one night this past week. Another beautiful sky and a great time spent with friends. Loving how normal things are beginning to feel.

Going to HOTWORX and checking out all of the workouts. I don’t hate it, but I also don’t love it. lol
They had an offer for $75 for 75 days, so I went with that option. That gets me through the end of August and I can decide then how I feel and if it’s something I’d like to continue. I was intrigued by the idea of the infrared heat helping with inflammation and muscle and joint pain. I will say I’m sleeping like a baby. I’ll keep you posted! If you missed my last post, these workouts are done in an infrared sauna about 6’x10′. No joke!!!
Father’s Day
I was so excited to have the fam over I took zero pictures!! We celebrated here with several family members and Mike grilled burgers and dogs. I didn’t even know he could do that!
It was great catching up with the fam!
I hope you’re all happy and healthy and doing something fun this summer! Stay cool!
Until next time friends!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Yes it is!! 😊😊😊
Looks like a great time! So nice to be free again…