Excitement All Around!

Hi Friends!

I hope you’ve all had a great weekend celebrating the 4th! Mike and I had full Friday with friends and a great date night on Saturday.

I threw out the suggestion that we get back to date night on a regular basis and Mike agreed. To keep it interesting, as a part of the date we have to do or go someplace we’ve never been before, new restaurant, new activity. Axe throwing? Escape room? While the idea will be to find new places to of course revisit, I’m looking forward to trying new things. We tried a new restaurant that we will be going back to for certain! Sierra Grill and I think we counted 17 tables? Small farm to table scratch kitchen with a small menu that they switch up. We ate big! Mike ordered the Mahi-Mahi as it was the special and I ordered the Filet as the waitress sold me on her mouth watering description of the wood fired grill and the flavor it gives the steaks. Paired well with a nice Malbec. Dang it this was good!

We went for an after dinner drink at a favorite neighborhood bar, then to another local favorite to end the evening with some live music. It feels good to be back to date night!

We ended up staying home on the 4th working in the yard, doing a few chores around the house and grilling out a pretty traditional July 4th feast for two. I’ve never grilled corn before. How is that so? Yummmm.

Okay, excitement all around!!

Our daughter Tess and her husband Manuel are coming to visit at the end of July and I am so excited! She surprised me with a text this weekend with a screen shot of their plane tickets. Pre-covid we would see each other about every 4-6 weeks and we haven’t all been together since March 2020, so super duper excited about their upcoming visit!

Another baby is on the way in our growing family! Our son Jake and his wife Jordan are expecting in January! They had a gender reveal this week and it’s official, the Farmer name will continue!!

This will be their second child and this will be grand baby number 10 for us!

AND…..just yesterday they found a house to buy after looking at several and trying to find one that really felt right. It’s one block away from us!! We’ve never had any of the grand kids live less than 30 minutes away so we are all super excited about this!!

I recently spent the day with Jordan and Wrenley at the Kansas City Zoo. It was a HOT one! A gazillion steps and lots of water consumed! Wrenley has always loved the Gorillas and likes to just hang here in this spot. Mama gorilla watches her color. It’s the sweetest. Occasionally the two of them would place their hands on the glass and I damn near cried.


Last week I had to announce that my Virtual Workshop would be ending July 2nd. That was such a great opportunity in an unfortunate year that allowed me to meet several of you! Thank you so much to those of you that came and participated, I so appreciate you all!

I’m looking forward to getting more and more members back to in person workshops. I’ve only had one in person Workshop and beginning this week I get to add one more to my schedule! I’ll now have a Wednesday morning and Wednesday evening with hopefully more to come.

When one door closes, another one opens” Alexander Graham Bell


A lot of grilled chicken lately. It’s easy to make, freezes well, and what seems to be my “go to” lately when my mind goes blank on what to fix for dinner.

Yesterday I did breast and thighs. BBQ thighs are my absolute favorite but Mike is more of a breast guy. giggle giggle

I’ll roast any veggie. Also easy and a “go to”. Sweet potatoes, carrots and red onions on one tray and broccoli on the other. Nothing fancy here. Drizzle with Olive Oil and season with sea salt, add a pad of butter or tablespoon of ghee in the middle. Roast at 425 for 10 minutes, give a stir and roast an additional 15 minutes.

For chicken breast, find your favorite marinade (overnight is best!) and grill 8-10 minutes, then flip for another 8-10 minutes until temp of 165. Perfect every time. My digital thermometer is a lifesaver.

I like the Primal Kitchen, but you can’t go wrong with a bottle of lite Italian dressing!

Your monthly reminder!

Not sure how? Check out this great guide for practicing your monthly Self Breast Exam! Are you reminding your family and friends. They may greatly appreciate the reminder!

You’re now updated on the excitement!

Until next time friends.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”