Happy October!
Cooler temps, soups and stews, football, leaves popping with color, cozy evenings by the fire. These are a few of my favorite things and I’m ready for all of them. And Pumpkin, but you knew that.
These last few weeks I’ve put some miles on my truck and had all sorts of fun with a few road trips. A few days after my trip to Branson in Effie, I spent a couple of nights away with some long time girlfriends catching up and relaxing. We did our own little wine tasting with a tray of goodies one night for dinner. I’m getting better at this charcuterie thing. Now I need to work on making one a tad bit healthier, but this was fun to put together and share with friends.

After a couple of nights with the girls I drove home, unloaded dirty clothes and empty food containers, then grabbed clean clothes and full food containers. I also grabbed Effie and headed out to my favorite camping spot where I spent one evening alone, then my brother, dad and stepmom arrived the next day. We did this trip a year ago and had such a great time we did it again. It was a little different this year as it was just the four of us but we still had a great time. Mike was away on a golf trip, more his thing, and Kate and her family were preparing for our upcoming family weekend so they couldn’t make it. Still, the four of us had a great time and perfect camping weather that allowed for an early morning campfire and cooking pancakes over the fire.
Friday night on my own. I boiled some potatoes (I’ve never done that in Effie. I’m all about trying new things, no matter how simple. Basically I’m constantly playing house and seeing what I can do in her. ) so I could slice them and crispy them up over the fire for dinner.
I also decided to get a full size coffee pot for Effie since my mini just wasn’t doing it if I have guest for morning coffee. It’s always nice to have guest over for coffee!

Potatoes and Salmon. Easy and delish. Am I cooking potatoes for an army?
A nice bike ride in the park. I don’t usually take the bike but I’m glad I did!

I don’t have a TV in Effie and really don’t want one but I did recently buy an external DVD player to use with my computer so now I can build up a collection of old DVD’s to take along on those trips when I’m alone and just want to curl up and watch a good movie in my pj’s. An Affair to Remember. It’s my all time favorite.

Each trip in Effie, I have spent the first morning journaling. This was trip #20!
My brother drove in from Florida and decided to tent camp behind Effie this trip. My dad and stepmom came out Saturday and camped that night in their vintage trailer. We spent most of the afternoon around the campfire at my favorite spot by the lake anticipating Chili dogs for dinner.
Feeling the fall vibes with a crockpot of Chili waiting for us on the picnic table all day.
We woke up Sunday to a cool morning and decided to do all the campfire things. Coffee and silver dollar pancakes. Pumpkin Spice of course. I was curious if I could boil potatoes or cook them wrapped in foil quicker, so we experimented. The water never did boil in the big pot, but the potatoes were so small they did cook. The foil potatoes were much better though as I put a tad of butter in there and the skins were crispy like I like them. Then my dad expressed interest in a hard boiled egg, so we did that too!
Simple folk enjoying some cheap entertainment. We did it!

After my dad and stepmom headed back home, my brother and I spent the evening catching up. He loves a good sunset just as much as I do, so we headed across the dam to the other side of the lake to enjoy it.

The next morning I grabbed my coffee and drove to catch the sunrise at a place I’ve named “Sunrise Point”. It’s super close to my campsite, and if I’m lucky, I’m the only one there.
I’m recently obsessed with taking panoramic views with my phone. I have no idea why, but don’t you want to watch the sunrise here with me?

My brother had more family to visit in town so while he took off for the morning on Monday, I decided to play house in Effie after that glorious sunrise. Coffee in my new pot and French Toast. I’ve discovered this new Paleo bread I like and they make a cinnamon raisin version. Excellent for Fresh Toast!

Perfect morning = Watching the sunrise, this moment right here.

More panoramic fun as I share my morning view of Effie with you.

My brother returned later in the afternoon and the weather was warm enough we decided to rent a boat and spend our last full day out on the water. Just the two of us and three other boats. It was so peaceful and perfect.

Oklahoma Cabin
I came home from that trip on a Tuesday and two days later Mike and I and all of our kids and grandkids drove to a cabin in Oklahoma where we spent three nights and had the absolute best time! This was the first time all 19 of us have been together since the holidays of 2019 and I was so ready to have us all together. Hopefully that was our first annual and it becomes a tradition.
Kate and her family came over and we headed down together. I think I was just as excited as the kids!

Packed and ready for our 6 hour drive.
So fun to all meet up in the woods!

Before we unpacked and filled up this space!
Waking up to the smell of coffee and morning hugs from littles in their jammies. I loved this time of day.
Dawn to dusk hot tubbing……
These two. I can’t. Just a quick glance one night and I’m like, “Smile for the camera”. Then I showed them the pic and asked if they noticed any similarities. lol. Goofballs.
Lots of game playing by all. Spider Man and the Hulk showing their best video game skills.
Crafts and matching pj’s from Aunt Jordan. She’s a grade school teacher and always has the the best ideas for the littles! Look at that face in the middle from our youngest, Kapri. Girl has got some att-ti-tude! Stinker.

Outdoor fun!
Kingston catches a fish his first time fishing in a creek just behind the house we’re staying in. Ya might have to zoom in to see it, but it’s there!

Game night One.
The entire family played LCR with dollar bills and the kiddos LOVED it as did the adults.

Game night Two.
Evening dance party!

We continued the dance party with a game of Musical chairs with DJ Manuel. I did have to remind everyone (and by everyone I mean the adults) not to knock over the 4 year olds. There are a few super competitive people in this group!
This island in the middle of the kitchen made such a great gathering space for grabbing a cup of coffee in the morning or setting up a buffet to make a plate at meal time.
With Tess and Manuel living in Dallas, it’s just hard for us all to be together as often as we’d like to be. For many reasons, I’m so happy we made this weekend happen.

Love these people so very much.

Lake Trip
We drove home Sunday from Oklahoma and I was off again this Friday to the Lake of the Ozarks to meet up with my childhood friends for a rather spur of the moment trip. Not every mid October do we have weather that permits a boat ride and the sun shining on your face!
Betsy and I and her dog Sal, got in a good hilly 3 mile walk morning one while waiting on Amy to drive down on Saturday.

After discovering the boat wouldn’t start on Friday, Betsy asked Amy to make a Walmart run on her way down to grab a boat battery and we crossed our fingers that was the answer. Amy arrived with strawberries, corn on the cob and a new boat battery. After some determination and a few FaceTime calls for guidance, we had a new battery in the boat and were out on the water in no time! I’ve never changed a battery before but we soon realized it was a cinch. Betsy is learning to drive the boat too (they just recently bought the lake house so lots of new learning experiences) and did an awesome job of getting us in and out of her slip, her cove and evening pulling in to the marina to gas up!
Nice job Bets!!

Day two for a nice morning ride to breakfast before heading home.

Tess and Manuel really needed our Oklahoma trip with the fam.
Tucker came to live with Mike and I Thanksgiving weekend of 2011. I can’t believe that was almost 10 years ago. Tess rescued him in her small college town and I agreed that we would keep him while she finished college. Well clearly I fell in love with that sweet little guy. I’ve never known a dog to cuddle so much and love every person and animal he encountered.
Tucker went to live with Tess and Manuel in Texas in the summer of 2017. He became really sick after the move and was diagnosed with an intestinal disease. Since that diagnosis he has been on a special diet with no table scraps whatsoever and Tess and Manuel became the best dog parents ever tending to his every need. Due to a gum disease and many previous tooth extractions while living here with us, he recently had to have all of his teeth pulled. Didn’t seem to bother him a bit, other than the fact that it was hard for him to keep his tongue from hanging out of his mouth. One more reason to love him really. Early August Tucker began to show signs that his disease was bothering him again. He’d had periods where it would flare up but with meds and a close eye on him, he always seemed to pull through. Tess and Manuel both began to work remote 100% of the time due to Covid and Tucker was loving all of the “family time”. He gained more weight than he had in the last four years and his energy level was that of a puppy. This last spell though in early August really did a number on him and he became weak quickly. Tess and Manuel had to make a really difficult decision that no doggie mom or dad ever wants to make. Tucker took his last breath wrapped in a blanket while Tess and Manuel loved on him. No doubt Tucker knew how much his mom and dad loved him and that he truly had one of the best dog lives any dog will ever know.
We will miss you sweet boy.
WW Job
Well, I am again losing a WW Workshop. I now will have one Wednesday evening Workshop and I’m feeling a little lost. WW continues to close workshops as the company maneuvers through the effects of Covid on the business and Workshop attendance. I’m a little lost right now and trying to figure out again what I want to do when I grow up. I wanted this job for so long and achieving that goal was huge in my personal growth and my own health journey. I’m giving myself until to November 1st to come up with a plan that will help me to feel as purposeful as I did Coaching 9 weekly workshops.
My Health
This Wednesday will be the last Dr’s appointment of many through the month of September as I seek some answers as to why I feel like doggie doo doo. I have a few answers and I’m working on a plan for myself. I’ll share more in my next post.
Happy Pumpkin Season!

I hope you’re as excited as I am about it but I still love you even if you hate all things Pumpkin even though I don’t understand.
Pulled out this picture (and wearing the shirt!) from two years ago. Thank you pumpkins. I love you.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Lora, Thanks For reading the blog and coming along on my adventures. I appreciate my readers so much! You are right. There’s a new chapter just waiting to be created. I hope you’re having a great day today!
Awe Rita. You give me too much credit! You are an amazing person and I’m lucky to have you as my mother-in-law! Love you!
Thanks for taking us with you and your family—wicked cool! And as for your WW Coaching journey, we both know you will end up in the right spot, wherever that may be. It’s sometimes amazing to see what life has in store-you just never know!
It had been some time since I last read your “posts”. You continue to amaze me, Julie, with your beauty, talent, love and caring for all the family! AMAZING, you are:) Love and hugs to you:) (Rita)
So it’s obvious I love fall? 😂😂
I’m not sure I’ve ever known anyone who celebrates fall as well as you! How fun to see all these smiling faces! So many good times and wonderful memories made. You are such an inspiration! I live vicariously through your travels. Ours have been non-existent far too long now! I’m so sorry to learn of the loss of Tucker. It’s so hard to say goodbye to our puppyloves, isn’t it? I love all the pictures of him.