After so many morning coffees in Christmas mugs, and a couple of weeks of doing all of the Christmassy things, you’d think I’d be feeling all the Christmas feels today. I’m not sure if it’s the warmer temps, Covid getting in the way or what, but something feels off today and I can’t put my finger on it.
This year we are hosting a Christmas Eve dinner and doing our big Christmas with the kids and grandkids a few days after Christmas when Tess and Manuel are in town. With Tess and Manuel still in Texas, Jake and Jordan expecting baby boy any day (any hour) and my parents either not comfortable driving after dark or not feeling comfortable being around a large group of people right now, Christmas looks different this year and I’m just realizing it I suppose.
So, we have plans and I’m prepared, but something just feels……….off, different.
Mike had plans last night, so I spent the evening doing Chritmassy things at home, in an attempt at getting in the spirit.
I assembled this cutie so the grandkids and I can decorate it Christmas Eve.

I found some cute Christmas Coasters this year and I put this one in my wine glass cabinet cuz I think I’m funny.

I have a lot of favorite Christmas movies, but last night I decided to try some new OLD movies.
Mike bought a new TV for the living room AND we changed cable companies. He has yet to set up the movie apps and I told him it was fine. I tell him all the time I don’t even care about TV. So……I watched two movies last night in the living room with a fire going…..on my laptop. That’s right. I did. So that’s what I get for not having an opinion. Movies in my lap.
The Shop Around the Corner
This was so cute. This movie was actually an inspiration for the movie, You’ve Got Mail. The main characters work together and do not realize they are exchanging love letters.
I loved this movie!!
Christmas in Connecticut
This was honestly kind of corny, but still cute.
Coffee, Almond Milk
I was craving sweets.

Mike and I, but really more I, finished off the Christmas tin filled with Chex Mix. It was amazing.
This cooks in the skillet in less than 10 minutes. I ate this over caulirice with a mayo/hot sauce combo drizzled over it.

I’m hoping by the end of the day, getting the house cleaned up, setting the table for a family dinner here tomorrow and setting the mood a bit more, it will feel more like Christmas.
See you in the morning to wish you all a Merry Christmas Eve!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I bought that spread the first weekend in
October when we went to the cabin with the family! I’m pretty proud that I’ve made it last this long. It’s delicious.🤪🤣
Merry Christmas Phyllis!
Oh that cinnamon bun spread is reallyyyyy dangerous for me. Yum!!! Can’t wait to see the decorated camper…what fun you’ll have. Merry Christmas!
I just watch The Bishops Wife for the first time ever! Loved it!
I love those two movies.
Oh, The Bishop’s Wife, Going My Way, and Meet Me in St Louis.
Your spirit will spark when you see all those happy, little faces.