Okay, they are just on this mug. It looks like these are the only snowflakes we will be seeing this year for Christmas.
I’ve talked to several friends recently that so wished we had cold weather and snow here in the midwest for Christmas. It looks like we may have some record highs instead. I’m going to enjoy the fact that 70 something is actually my favorite temperature and we will be able to utilize the deck tonight. Heck, we may even hear Santa and his reindeer if we’re outside!
Tonight we’ll have the kids and grand kids over for a lasagna dinner and games. Tomorrow morning Mike and I will go by each of our parents house for coffee and a visit.
Tess and Manuel will be here next week and we’ll have all the kids and grandkids together for our big family Christmas. More food, more games, more fun.
It will be a busy few days and I would imagine somewhere in there we will get to welcome a new grand baby and finally know his name. It’s been a secret for months!
I feel like for the last three days, all that I have done is run errands and check things off of my list. At some point late yesterday afternoon, I sent the trainer a text saying that trying to get my workout in was stressing me out, so I’d decided it wasn’t going to happen. I told her I was going to turn on some Christmas music and finish getting my house ready.
Her reply….”Sounds like a plan, reduce your stress. I’ll move the workouts to Sunday and check in with you on Monday.”
I immediately felt better.
I put on the music and I finished getting the house ready. Then I found the Christmas spirit.

When Mike got home form work, we went over to Jake and Jordans house for just a bit to see the carpet installed and say “hi”. Have I mentioned that it is a 2 minute drive from our house to theirs?? I am so excited!
They were putting up their Christmas tree when we got there.
After putting on a few decorations, we called in a dinner order to pick up. It was then that I realized I hadn’t eaten anything all day long and it was 7:30.
It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes I get busy, the day flies by and before I know it, it’s late, I’m light headed and realize I’m hungry!
Not recommended.
Anyhow, we ended the evening eating dinner on the couch and watching one of my favorites. The Santa Clause.

Coffee, almond milk
Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.
Blackened Salmon Salad

Thank you for sharing some of your own holiday traditions, favorite Christmas movies and stories with me.
Thank you for being here. I appreciate you all so much.
See you Christmas morning!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I hope you had a great Christmas Cathy and happy new year to you!

Merry Christmas to you and your family. May all good things come your way.