Post-op Update from Tess

This is Tess! If you’re one of the newer readers, I’m Julie’s 26-year-old daughter who lives in Dallas. Mom wanted me to share a post surgery update with y’all from my point-of-view. Want to know more about me? Check out my blog here. Yes, we’re a mother-daughter blogging duo, adorable, huh? This really isn’t how I saw out first guest post going, but life had other plans.  Thursday Surgery was fast. Mom was all done and in recovery in less than 4 hours! Lymph nodes came back negative, GREAT NEWS! Still TBD on if she’ll need chemo or not. When we got to see her I joked that she looked like she always does (something she tells me whenever I say I look like crap and she’s trying to be sweet and say that I look fine, except mom really did look great, perfect hair and all). Mike and I went […]

Feeling Great!

Edit: Jan 4, 2020. This post was the day after my double mastectomy!   So far so good!! (Posting from my Phone, so I hope it works.) Tess will fill you in later, but I wanted to say that these drugs are great 😜and I feel really good. I get to home today! No nausea, pain is under control, incisions look good. I even feel good enough to post this little blog! “Love the life you live, live the life you love”

My Breast Cancer

Tomorrow I will have a double mastectomy and begin the steps for DIEP Flap reconstructive surgery. How did I get here? Let me tell you. June 28th, I found a lump in my left breast while I was putting lotion on after my shower. July 7th, I went in to see my doctor for an exam and she confirmed what I already knew. I needed to schedule a mammogram. I’d had a mammogram in January and everything checked out fine. July 11th, I went in for a 3D mammogram. They then wanted to do an ultra sound that day, so I did. After the ultra sound. The tech told me to stay put and that she would be back to let me know if she needed to do anything further. I laid there on the table in my gown, my head full of thoughts. Do I have breast cancer? If they come in and […]

Dark Clouds, Silver Linings

Here is a mini update….. Our daughter Kate’s house flooded and their family of six moved into our empty nester house about a month ago. The kids are 9, 4, 3 and 3 months. I am having surgery on Thursday and our goal was to help them get their house put back together so that they could move in this past weekend and I could do what I needed to do to prepare for surgery. Hours (okay, days) were spent cleaning up from the flood (mostly my husband and Kate’s fiancé), replacing dry wall and insulation and painting. Then, Tuesday morning, the day the carpet was scheduled to be installed, we had another hard rain and the house flooded all over again. Worse this time. I had a meltdown on Wednesday. A complete and full blown 12 hour meltdown. I woke up Thursday with a new burst of energy and only […]

You’re Probably Not Going to Believe This….

Remember just a few weeks ago, when I basically blogged about food and activity and fun stuff?? The week was going great. We were making huge progress in getting our daughter and her family back into their home after the flood just a few weeks ago. We even made waffles on Sunday morning and I counted steps at least one day in the past week. Things were feeling good and there was a light at the end of the tunnel. We cleaned really good on Sunday (right after our waffle feast!) and wrapped up a few things on Monday. The carpet was to be installed Tuesday and Mike was going to finish up the new trim. They just needed a few furniture pieces and we could move the kids and grand kids back into their home this coming weekend. Nope. The house flooded again Tuesday morning. 26 days after the first flood. […]