I’m Taking a Break…..

I walked into Trader Joe’s yesterday afternoon (Following my awesome class at the Apple store! Look out Geek Squad!) for a couple of things. As I was waiting in line, a clerk came up from behind me and took my cart to his register. They are always so nice there, I think. As he was ringing up my Greek Yogurt Guacamole (so delicious!), he said….. “How’s your day going?” Me….. “Mediocre.” Him……. “I’m sorry.” Me….. “We’ll, yesterday really sucked, so mediocre is actually a huge improvement!” We both smiled. As I was walking to my car, I hear running behind me, and the awesome clerk that had just rung up my order brought me out a bouquet of flowers!!!! How sweet! The last few days I seem to be meeting myself coming and going, yet I feel like I never actually GO anywhere or make any progress. My “To Do […]

Wound Ooze, a Dead Mouse and Horse Poop

Wow, you really clicked on that to read this?? Okay, I’ll try not to judge you. I missed posting yesterday, so I will try to play catch up here, after I first most likely, gross you out. My morning started off on Monday absolutely perfect, which should be a really good clue that things are about to possibly go wrong. I had coffee with friends, a nice chat on the phone with my daughter, then a very pleasant phone interview for a position with Weight Watchers, which I will fill you in on. Then I went to my mom’s house to view a possible oozing wound, post surgery. After determining everything was fine (I closed my eyes really tight while pretending to look at the area of concern, then I told my mom that I didn’t see anything that looked abnormal), I then came home to mow the lawn. Before […]

A Long Day In the Waiting Room

I have not talked to my mom about me sharing her medical issues on my blog, but I suppose if I am going to blog about spending two days in the waiting room, I should ask her if it is okay so I can tell you all about it. I’ll get on that…….tomorrow. 🙂 I did a TERRIBLE job of drinking water, and a TERRIFIC job of drinking coffee, and then I had some MORE coffee, and I never did exercise yesterday morning!! Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack (and an un-pictured apple and one more Latte) Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose. I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day. The food I ate and it’s PPV […]

Never Stop Learning!

It’s been a crazy couple of days and I’m still experiencing my little anxiety spells, but so far I haven’t ordered a Family Size Pizza for myself, so I think I’m gonna get through it! I had only known about the Blogging Conference for a few days, but I was filled with excitement anticipating all of the things I was going to learn over the weekend and all of the fellow bloggers I was going to get to meet! Thursday night I went to the first event of the “Go Blog Social” Conference that I just learned about last week! I met all sorts of wonderful women and I was so looking forward to taking notes at all of the sessions on Friday and Saturday. I almost completely forgot to take pictures, but snapped a quick one on my way out! I was walking out with Amanda and Courtney, who […]

Dear God, What Did I Do To Deserve This?

It’s a deep blog post…..even more personal than I usually write and a bit out of character for most of my blog post. But, it is me, and these are my thoughts. It’s been a crazy last few days inside my head with so many great things happening in my Blogging World and with Weight Watchers. It’s always crazy in my head, but unusually so these last few days. My thoughts are just ALL over the place. Sometimes my thoughts exhaust me, and I think that’s why I blog, or journal, or write it all down. If I didn’t write it down, it would never escape my head, and trust me, sometimes I need to let a lot of my thinking escape from my head. When I hit “submit”, it’s then, that I can breathe again. This blog post will be a bit all over the place today, but a […]

Weight Watchers Called!

Okay, actually they sent me an email, so I replied, then they replied……and guess what???? I have a Phone Interview on Monday!!! Whoop Whoop!! I am super excited! Now I just need to remember to only have ONE cup of coffee before my interview so I don’t ramble on like I know I can do when I’m excited! I try not to post anything on my blog that I would regret later, but in case anyone at Weight Watchers Corporate wants to check out my blog, the pictures I recently posted in the blonde wig……we’re admittedly a bit creeeeepy!! A sense of humor is a good quality in an employee. Right? Did I mention I’m super excited?!?!?!? Breakfast Lunch Snack Dinner Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.I have an allowance of 49 points that I can […]

Friend Makin’ Mondays

Check out Kenlie’s website out by clicking HERE! She does Friend Makin’ Mondays every week! It’s a great way to connect with other Bloggers! If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic! Kenlie’s answers were great! These are mine! Ten Things That Make Me Happy 1. This Guy! I never thought I could feel so much love from […]

Simple Sunday…..Simple Thoughts

Slept in……took a walk, then took Tucker for a walk. Enjoyed a Late Breakfast with Mike. Piddled around the house….. Had a snack…… Then another…….. Then a friend wanted to walk, so sure, why not? Chatted on a friends deck with some other girlfriends and enjoyed the cool weather. Late Lunch with Mike. The relaxing day got away from me. By now it was almost 4:00 in the afternoon! Late Snack Even Later Dinner Fresh and Light! Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose. I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day. The food I ate and it’s PPV Breakfast = 1 Egg, 4 Egg Whites, 2 T. Turkey Sausage Crumbles, Cheese (5)Snack = Whey Shake with […]

A Wine Weekend Confessional?

The weather this weekend is the kind of weather I truly wish we had six months out of the year. I love the seasons and the variety of weather we have here in the Kansas City area, but there is nothing better than a weekend with the temperature in the 70’s and being able to enjoy morning coffee on the deck, morning or even afternoon or evening walks, and eating dinner outside with friends (and maybe a glass or two of wine). Something about this weather also puts me in a completely relaxed state of mind…..and the only real plans we had for the weekend were just that……relaxing plans. Nothing stressful to prepare for, no trip to pack for, no big obligations. I woke up Friday knowing it was going to be a great weekend, and I knew I was going to do whatever I felt like doing. Friday I […]