New Shoes!!

I have been pondering purchasing a new pair of walking shoes. I can never remember when I bought the last pair, but I was pretty sure it was about time for new shoes. After blisters on the back of my heals last week, and sore hips this week, I decided it might be time? I’m looking forward to my comfy walk this morning, although I did spend an hour with the trainer yesterday, and ALL we did was lower body, and I could hardly get out of bed this morning! I am hoping once I get to moving, my legs and butt will feel better as the day goes, right????? These socks were ridiculously expensive, as far as I’m concerned, (and I do NOT like to spend money, but I wore them while trying on shoes, and they were also ridiculously comfortable!!) so I bought three pairs! Breakfast Snack Rehydrate […]

I Drank Too Much……..

……..water…….(wait, you didn’t think I? You DID?? No you didn’t. Well, I didn’t)……..and I spent 2/3 of my walk trying to figure out where I was going to “go”, and fretting over whether I would make it or not! I sent the neighbor I was closest to a text, and she wasn’t home, but luckily she said the door was open and to help myself!! Thank goodness! Earlier in the day, I met with the Trainer for about an hour and we spent that time figuring out what I “could” and “couldn’t” do with my right arm, but mostly what I “couldn’t” do, so that sucked. He was super patient though, and offered to see me again today to give me a lower body workout to do for a week. Then the plan is to meet once a week for the next 8 weeks and work on my shoulder mobility […]

Better’n Peanut Butter

Have you tried any of these? I can’t remember the last time I bought regular old Jiffy or Peter Pan. The one in the middle is the one I eat the most. I like it on toast, waffles, pretzels, pancakes, bananas, apples or on just about anything. On a spoon is good too! One Tablespoon = 1 PPV. The other flavors are also 1 PPV for 1 T. I recently discovered the Chocolate, and it’s certainly no Nutella, but I do like it. It’s my sweet treat once in a while, but it seems to satisfy me without over doing it. I was shopping yesterday to restock, and discovered the Banana flavor. I can’t get enough bananas. (I actually didn’t buy any this week because I felt I was eating a few too many.) I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ll let ya know what I think. Maybe I should […]

Friend Makin’ Mondays

Kenlie, (check out her blog HERE) has a great blog, and every once in a while, I like to participate in her…. Friend Makin’ Mondays!! It’s a Questionnaire designed for Bloggers to connect with each other and have a little fun finding out about one another! We answer our questions and then put them on her blog! She has a lot of followers, so it’s fun to see how everyone else answers, and I always find a new blog I love! Here are today’s Questions and MY answers! Ten Simple Questions 1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I can’t believe these jeans fit, or do they? 2. Do you prefer to pay for things with cash or plastic? I hardly ever have cash, but I decided to pay cash for groceries in the month of July and see if […]


I have this awesome neighbor, and friend, Stacy. I’ve blogged about her before and discussed her extremely generous heart and her INCREDIBLE talent in the kitchen, and the fact that she’s just super sweet! Stacy does a lot of charitable things throughout the year and it is just one of the things I admire about her. She even went on a Mission Trip to Haiti this year!! Not too long ago, myself and some other neighbors, mentioned that we would be interested in volunteering if she ever needed some extra help. Sunday afternoon, Mike and I, along with Stacy, and two other families from the neighborhood (7 children included!!) had the opportunity to serve lunch at a church to a group of people that most likely only ate that meal for the day. They were all very gracious and it left me wanting to do more, and it also was […]


Usually, at the end of my blog, I think about what I’ve written and ponder a “theme” for that days post, then I Google that “theme”, then I click on images, then I find my little quote thingymabob that I put at the end of the blog. Sometimes I have a hard time finding just the right one, other days there are so many appropriate ones to pick from, it takes me awhile to decide on just the right one. Today, before I even started to write, the word “Empowerment” was floating around in my head, but I realized I didn’t know the true definition of the word. So, I Googled it! Google had a lot of answers for me. After clicking on a few and reading them, I stumbled upon this one….. “Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to […]

Have a seat……..

……lots on my mind today. Let me begin with…….I did have a loss this week, but I was a little nervous. Not being able to blog in my regular “Blogging Fashion” earlier in the week, really had me wigged out, so in my anxiousness, I was doing a little extra snacking, but I do think I did a good job of snacking lightly and writing it down. I seriously thought I was going to have to start my entire blog from scratch and I was a MESS! Mike can attest to that. Just ask him. Then the last two days I found myself wanting a drink, but I never did have one. Oddly, Diet Coke was my substitute. I quit drinking pop on a regular basis some time ago, but once in a while, it sounds good and I’ll have one. But I don’t think I have ever substituted it […]

Simple Post

I attended the funeral of my friends husband on Thursday. I felt consumed by the tragedy of it all. Myself and four other friends were able to meet at the visitation and go in together on Wednesday evening. It felt good to be there for our friend. Then myself and one other friend were able to go to the funeral. A funeral is never easy, but an unexpected death, at a young age (he was 47), and a father of a 12 year old son, and a step father to my friends two older children, seem to be even more difficult to accept. My friend comes from a very large family, and it did feel good to see her surrounded by her parents and all of her siblings and extended family. All that I can do is pray for her and her family. It’s all so very hard to understand. […]

A Very Sad Day……

I received some really sad news yesterday morning. A friend of mine, that I have known since grade school, lost her husband this weekend. It was unexpected, and I haven’t been able to think of anything except for her and her children since I found out. Throughout the day, I forgot to take most of my photos, and I did not exercise. The visitation was last night, and the funeral is today. I assume my mind will be mostly on her and her family throughout the rest of the week and into the weekend. My blog will be short today, but I did seem to get the blogging kinks worked out! Breakfast Lunch Not Pictured Salad Snack Snacks, not pictured Dinner (same as yesterday) Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.I have an allowance of 49 points […]

iPhone Blogging…..

I am again blogging from my PHONE!!! And I thought of a whole bunch of important things I wanted to blog about yesterday, but I cant even begin to explain what a pain in the butt this is. It will be easiest to write what I have to say, then put my pics in a different post, but I might try to post the pictures in this blog. I am learning this Iphone App as I go. I am hoping things are resolved by the end of the week! Blogging has become such a part of my day. I have learned so much about myself, my habits, my trigger foods, what moods trigger me to eat, and most of all, through blogging, I am learning how to deal with all of it and growing. (But actually getting a little smaller.) 🙂 Yesterday was a great and busy day with lawn […]