80/20 or 90/10?

I can never remember if you’re supposed to eat healthy 80% of the time and treat yourself 20% of the time, or eat healthy 90% of the time and treat yourself 10% of the time, but I’m pretty sure one of those is a rule. I’m not sure where I fall in my percentages, but I do know that I have had a consecutive weight loss for the last four weeks, and I have not felt deprived of anything. I also know that I have worked hard at my exercise, worked hard at trying to get in all of my water, and worked hard at eating a combination of the right foods. So I would say that I fall into those percentages somewhere maybe in the middle. I am trying to pay more attention to my cravings, and I do think the piece of cake and the two cookies I […]

Oh, I forgot to tell you…..

……I was so wrapped up in my reflections post yesterday that I forgot to brag about my treadmill activity the last couple of days. Since I was so sluggish on Monday and did NO exercise at all, I felt I needed to spend the next few days making up for what I missed on Monday. So Tuesday when I got on the treadmill to do my hour at 7%, I started running (jogging) instead. I don’t feel like I really go fast enough to call it running. I kept my speed at 4mph and 5mph, taking a 1 minute walk break at 4mph about every 7 minutes. I felt great when I was done. Yesterday, I walked for 80 minutes total. I did 50 minutes at a 7% incline, then I did 30 minutes running/walking at 0% incline. Today I plan to do something similar for a minimum of an […]

"The Perfect Me"

What is that really? Lately, I feel like I am constantly striving for perfection. Of course, my “Perfection”, and YOUR “Perfection” are most likely, two completely different things. Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes if they are spent with family, sharing old memories, and making new ones. Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because the house is clean, the laundry is done, the bills are paid (crap, I need to do that) and the fridge is stocked. Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because I spent it lunching with friends and laughing for a few hours. Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because it was in the 70’s and Sunny all day. (That will happen again one day, right?) Some days are “Perfect” in my eyes because I ate within my Points, I drank all of my water and I exercised, HARD! Some days are “Perfect” […]

D R A G G I N G . . . . .

I rolled out of bed slowly Monday, and everything else throughout the day happened slowly. When you aren’t used to a six and a three year old on a regular basis, that can be exhausting!!!! While I actually did get several things done on Monday, most of it happened in the second part of the day, and unfortunately the treadmill was not included. 🙁 I woke up Tuesday very well rested and have lots of plans for lots of productivity today!! I just watched the forecast for the week. 38 Today. 77 Monday. Super Weird. I gotta get busy. Make it a great day! Think Sunshine……..this is getting depressing! “love the life you live, live the life you love”

Proof of TWO kids!

After posting my blog about Farm day, I received an email with pics of Malik, so I HAD to share!(Thanks Amy!) Malik and his new buddy, Ryan. Off into the woods they go! Just a Swingin!!! When we got in the car to drive home, Malik told me how much fun he’d had. When he told Mrs. Stephanie how much fun he’d had, she said he cold come back anytime. He wants to go back next weekend. “love the life you live, live the life you love”

A Day at the Farm!

Some friends of ours have a Farm about 45 minutes away, and a trip there always means a good time. They invited a few families down to spend the day on Saturday. We were blessed to be able to make some great memories this weekend with our grandchildren AND our friends! These are a few of my Happy Hour girls and one of my favorite pictures from the day! Before leaving for the Farm, we loaded up the car with enough snacks for a family of ten, and a change of clothes for at least four more children. I had plans for the day of getting dirty and working up an appetite! I believe we succeeded in both! None of these are pictures that I took, but pics I stole from friends. We did take both of our Grandkids, but Malik kept so busy running around, we never did get […]


I was so excited to see 164 something on the scale, I made it its very own post yesterday. I proudly weighed in at 164.8. 🙂 Friday was a fun and full day starting with coffee with Dad, WW meeting, a birthday celebration lunch with girlfriends, picked up my Grandson from school, enjoyed some Mexican Food out with my hubby, grandson, son and daughter-in-law, then curled up on the couch to Life of Pi. Busy, fun filled day. Today, we are headed to a friends farm with our grandkids and several other families for a day of kite flying, four wheeling, bubble blowing, fire building and a Taco Feast! It’s a bit chilly out, but the sun IS shining! Yesterday I planned out my snacks. I don’t want to mess up my 164.8 by gaining two tenths of a pound this week! I have lots of fruits and veggies to […]

It Could Be a Big Deal……

Friday’s weigh in could be my lowest since I started this long ass journey over three years ago! I try to eat a low sodium diet the day before weigh in, and drink extra water, but I might have messed up with a some-what salty dinner. I hope I didn’t! (Let me just tell ya that I made Risotto with Asparagus and Salmon and Parmesan Cheese all in one big dish, and it was Flipping delicious!!!!!!) I have been thinking a lot lately about why I am so focused now and ready to get to goal. I think when I joined WW in 2009 at my highest weight ever (207), I knew I had to get back to my comfort zone of 160’s – 170’s. I felt like crap and I knew I wanted to be healthy down the road in my 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond. I knew I […]

Most Things ARE on Schedule!

Aside from the scar tissue putting me a bit behind on my Rotator Cuff Surgery Physical Therapy, my weight loss and my goal of walking 200 miles are actually a bit AHEAD of schedule! I am hoping to see 164 at the scale tomorrow morning at my Weight Watchers meeting, and if I do, it’s going to be a pretty big deal! It’s a number I haven’t seen in years!! I am steadily staying below the green line, and as long as I can keep that up, I will reach my goal on time! Weight Watchers likes to give public recognition in the meeting for every five pounds lost. I will get my next five pound award at 162, so after being excited about seeing 164, I have 162 to look forward to. That will be 45 pounds! (Since September of 2009) I have been more consistent than ever about […]