My mom’s delicious, traditional, beautiful and addictive Pumpkin Bread that she makes every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas, is still here. It’s not in the pantry or the fridge or the freezer. It’s on my butt and thighs. I really over indulged in the Pumpkin Bread, adult beverages and other goodies during the holidays, and by holidays, I mean from a few days before Thanksgiving to a few days after Christmas. What the heck was I thinking?? I knew that I would hit it hard on January 1 (like I do every year) and get the holiday pounds off. On December 30th, I decided to get a head start by throwing out all of the things that had crept into the house that I did not want to eat or need to eat. I haven’t posted my weight in a long while because my usual 5 pound gain over the holiday was more […]
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Mamogram’s and Book Club
I went for my annual mammogram yesterday, which wasn’t really annual at all since it was brought to my attention that I hadn’t had a mammogram since 2013! Ooops. Seriously, where does the time go?? Like, I wanted to argue with them that I had most certainly been there since 2013!! I’m not an idiot! Nope. Not so. After getting the all clear for this year, I made certain to set a reminder on my calendar for my 2018 mammogram. From there, I took my car back to the shop and I sat in a Starbucks next door to the dealership sipping on strong black coffee for well over two hours. I was coffee drunk. Three people sitting behind me were talking about the fascinating business of commercial real estate. I found myself wondering if I too should considering selling real estate? Two ladies sitting close to me were having a discussion about […]
Speaking of Squishy….
In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I put some Zucchini Squash in the oven along with a few other veggies to cook. Kinda squishy, not a fan. Today, a different kind of squishy. Mammogram Day! Then back to the car shop after spending a small fortune just a few days ago! Ugh!! How much fun am I having today?? Got in a 3 mile walk yesterday afternoon with my new shoe inserts, then home to use the tens unit. Pain is dumb. I gotta go! Here are yesterday’s eats… Breakfast – 7 SP Breakfast on the go! RXBar and Banana (Note to self. Get up earlier when needing to leave early. Don’t want to be eating so many of these in a week!) Lunch – 10 SP Lunch with mom after running her around yesterday morning. I ate 1/2 the Potatoes, Egg White Omelet filled with Bacon and Avocado (without the […]
Decision Made!
Not only did I make a decision on paint colors, but this blog post is seriously ALL over the place, kinda like my brain the last two days. Paint I finally made some decisions on paint colors for the entry and hallway and powder room and its time to get started! I need a project and I’m ready for a lighter color on the walls. When I say project, I’m talking about shopping for new things to hang on the walls, not the painting. 🙂 I’m going to have someone else do that. I would love for the whole first floor to feel like this picture. Feet I spent over an hour at the shoe store on Tuesday where I buy my walking shoes, getting fitted for just the right insert for this plantar fasciitis. I also bought some special sock? We’ll see. I’m also doing stretches for it and […]
Just Eats…
Short on time, but posting my food for the day because it helps me so much with accountability. Have a great day! Here are yesterday’s eats… Breakfast – 7 SP Slept late and had plans with my dad, so I grabbed this bar and ran out the door. RXBar, un-pictured Banana and Black Coffee Lunch – 10 SP It was after 2:30 when I got home to eat lunch and I was so happy I had made extra of these on Sunday for the Football watch party. Chicken Poppers, Dill Mayo, Asparagus Dinner – 10 SP I was gone until about 7:30 pm and had no dinner plans and we had consumed all of the cooked food. Yay! No waste! I scrambled us up some eggs and called it good. Three Scrambled Eggs topped with Pico and Smashed Avocado, Grapes, Banana and Almond Butter Daily SmartPoints Total = 27 […]
Sad Football Day Here…
The weather calmed down a bit here in KC, but not before they moved the KC Chiefs game from a day game to a night game to avoid the icy roads. We were anticipating the play off game all day long! We went to a neighbors house to watch and yell and scream at the TV, only to come home with a loss. Just before that game, we watched the Dallas game, and the end of that game was crazy and also ended in a loss for Dallas. It was a sad day for Dallas and Kansas City fans. I did take some of those Chicken Veggie Poppers for everyone to snack on, and they were a hit! I also took a few of these monsters. So juicy and sweet! Posting late today, so keeping it short. Here are yesterday’s eats… Breakfast – 13 SP I’ve never made Latke’s […]
Cozy Saturday
(Edited 1/16/2017 to include Youtube Treadmill Video) I took full advantage of being home all day yesterday. I relaxed all morning drinking coffee by the fire, I did a treadmill YouTube video, a Yoga YouTube Video, I took a long bath, did a little house cleaning, I played in the kitchen a little and we finished up watching Homeland last night. I’d say it was a great and cozy Saturday at home. Have you watched Homeland? It is intense and oh so good!! I know I need to up my activity a bit, so I searched on YouTube and found this treadmill video and the perfect one popped up right away. 5 minute warm up, walk 1 minute, run/jog 4 minutes and a 5 minute cool down for a total of a 30 minute workout. Perfect, and I ran each 4 minute section. I hadn’t done any running or jogging in […]
My Snow Day
Most of the schools cancelled class yesterday and we had no precipitation all day long. When I let the dogs out before going to bed last night, the deck was a sheet of ice. Mishka would barely step outside at all and Tucker went down two steps, then turned around and looked at me and wouldn’t move. I had to go pick him up, leash him and takes the dogs to the front yard. Those kids. I’m glad I made it to the grocery store with all of the other crazies yesterday, but I will admit that I was surprised to see that there were no banana’s, no zucchini (I found some organic zucchini, and I really wanted to pull that organic sticker off!!!), very few potatoes and no chicken stock!! The canned tomato and bean isle was bare!! I guess everyone is having chili, potatoes and banana’s this weekend?? […]
Snow/Ice Day??
The School Districts went into some sort of panic mode here last night and cancelled school today due to the forecast. We may or may not have some ice this afternoon? It’s still unclear to me. Well, after hearing that on the news last night, I changed my whole day around because the media is always right. (insert major eye roll here) I don’t have my car this morning anyhow, (That is going to be a small fortune to pick up later today!) so I needed to change things around a bit anyhow. I did have my Christmas present massage scheduled this afternoon. I’ll just look forward to that next week and spend today in the kitchen. Sounds like a nice way to spend a cold afternoon anyhow. I met a few friends around 5:00 last night at a Mexican restaurant for a birthday celebration, and while they were enjoying […]
It’s All Relative
I like rules and guidelines. I have a clearer vision of what I need to do when I have them. Since discovering the Blue Dots on the Weight Watcher App, I’m shooting to eat between 27-37 SmartPoints each day since that is what Weight Watcher’s recommends that I eat based on my gender, age, height and weight. Yesterday, I ate a low point, but very filling breakfast and lunch. Come dinner time, I knew we were eating Chicken Breast, and that’s all that I really had planned. After a little more planning, I still wasn’t going to be even close to eating all of my daily points. I added a little extra Olive Oil to the green beans and added almonds to increase my points for the day. After dinner, with several points still left for the day, I debated making up some trail mix to snack on for the […]