Search Results for: my bad ass friend

An Unexpected Visit To See Tess……In The Hospital

Tess turned 21, made her relationship “Facebook official”, and was hospitalized for the first time…….all in one week! Sidenote: When Tess made the phone call home, I was participating in Walking Club. Here is what I saw when I left the house at 5:50 a.m. to go walking. Eeekkkkk. I might take a flashlight next time. It seems as though Tess may have Kidney stones, which I hear is extremely painful! She for certain has a Kidney Infection. 🙁 I hated being an hour and a half away from her when she called, but I’m so happy she is close enough for me to go to. I guess it proves no matter how old your kids are, you want to be there when they’re sick. (She did not approve the above photo, however, I think it’s similar to her “First Day of School” photo that she did approve, so I […]

No deep thoughts today….just food……..good food.

Breakfast ….2 poached eggs, My “Nutella Coffee” experiment, strawberries and vanilla yogurt. (I wake up HUNGRY!)7 PPV Do you have one of these to poach eggs in the microwave? I’ve had it forever! Microwave for 1 1/2 minutes, and the perfect poached eggs! I was thinking about Nutella here……Hazelnut Flavored Coffee with Chocolate Syrup and a little frothed milk. I will be drinking this again tomorrow morning! I got another great walk in today with a couple of girl friends. A good 45 minutes of walking today. No where near the 6.6 miles like yesterday! I felt great when I got out of bed this morning, but my calves are starting to feel the miles tonight. Pretty sure Weigh In is going to go well on Friday. 🙂 I am beginning to feel bad calling the following a smoothie. It has certainly become a favorite after a workout of any […]

Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps

We all have bad days once in a while. We feel a little down. Maybe we feel a little sorry for ourselves. Maybe disappointed in ourselves, or frustrated with ourselves and choices we have made. It’s perfectly normal to have those days. What is important, is how we handle them. How do we move past them? How do we make today better? I’m sure we all have different ways we handle this situation. Maybe we let the “bad mood” last a couple of days. Maybe one “bad mood” day is all we can handle. Maybe we shop to lift our spirits, maybe we eat. Neither of those does anybody any good, unless of course you’re buying a smaller size!! Admittedly, that might help temporarily. But in reality, for our mental and physical health, we have to determine why we had the bad day, then make the necessary changes. Well…….that’s what […]

Lots of challenges ahead……and a plan to go with them.

I got on the scale this morning to give me an idea how the week is going since Fridays gain. I think things are actually good! The scale was pleased. I have a LOT of challenges the next two weeks. I really think I am going to disappoint myself if I set my goals to high. And by high……I mean lose weight over these next 12 days. Then I’m torn. Am I making excuses to not lose weight over these next 12 days? Or am I being realistic with the food challenges that are ahead? That’s a hard question to answer sometimes. Am I making excuses or being realistic? I decided to write out my plan before I get in the middle of all these events and freakout! I seem to do best with a plan, and best with short term goals. I told Mike my plan when he got […]

Lake Day!

Had a great time at the country bar…..”Kanza Hall”. As predicted…..good people watching. All ages, all types! The bathroom stalls were all chalkboard, with supplied CHALK! I couldn’t help myself! This is my girlfriend, Laura’s, cell number! Hee Hee……I know….I can be such a trouble maker! Well then…….I did this…… When I got up in the morning, I knew there was a possibility of a Lake Day ahead, so I hopped on the treadmill before I even thought about breakfast! I started out slow, as usual……..Then upped it to 3.8 mph and an incline of 8%, which got the heart rate up pretty good. I had planned on a good 20 minutes, then decided 30 was more what I needed, then stayed on for 40……Yay! Maybe I can sneak in one beer at the Lake?? After the treadmill, I knew hot eggs did NOT sound good, so I opted for […]

Mrs. "Robin"son’s Baby?

I saw the saddest, little, mangled bird sitting on my BBQ. He looked like he had been attacked! No feathers to speak of. He looked scared and lost. While I was watering the flowers on the deck, it was just looking at me. I was a little concerned he might be scared from his apparent attack and fly at my head or something trying to defend himself from anything that frightened him. So I kept my eye on the little guy, feeling bad for him and afraid of him all at the same time. I came inside and watched out the window, waiting for his attacker to return. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but something! That’s for sure. Then the attacker appeared……he sat beside him on the BBQ. He hopped along the handle of the BBQ, closer, and closer, and closer, until all of a sudden […]

Aiming for less processed foods

No, I’m not going vegetarian or vegan or 100% organic, or even clean (I think that’s what you call it), but I am trying to be more aware of what I am putting into my body and how it makes me feel. I am certainly reading more labels, and not just fat and calories. I’m actually reading ingredients. I hate it when I don’t know what I’ve just read. Must be bad for you if you don’t even know what it is??? I am going to eat less processed foods. I don’t think I’ve ever really been “in tune” with my body before, and what I am eating and how it affects me. Mike can eat something, then later have a headache, or feel tired, and immediately blames it on what he ate a couple of hours earlier. I used to just roll my eyes. Well, now that I’m paying […]

Just an awesome weekend!

We spent the weekend doing lots of fun Memorial day things……visiting the WWI memorial, spending time with friends, eating out and enjoying the deck in the mornings and evenings. Last night we watched Red Tails. Slow to start, but then it got really good. I so wish I would have been more interested in history as a kid! Today Mike worked and I spent the entire day doing chores that didn’t get done Saturday or Sunday. I needed to go to the store today, but I had several other things on the agenda…..laundry, lawn mowing, housework, so the store never did happen, which somewhat explains some of the odd things I ate today. Normal breakfast for me……bacon and cheese egg white omelet. On the deck, of course……With strawberries and blueberries. Then the day just got crazy. I was trying to get the treadmill in between loads of laundry and incoming […]

Day 6 of 7

Things have gone really well this week. I am hoping for awesome results at the scale. I know my body well enough now to know that sometimes it can take two weeks for results to show up on the scale. That can be good and bad. I say this because last week I had a small loss of 0.2 and really felt I was going to have about a 2 pound gain due to all the EXTRA food I had eaten. So I guess if I do not see super great results tomorrow morning, due to the overeating last week, I will certainly see them next week. Breakfast…..Bacon, egg and cheese biscuit, grapes. Lunch….Lots of points for that breakfast, so light on the points for lunch. Veggies, hummus, laughing cow cheese…….. Snack……One of the several I had today. Urg…… Dinner…….Salad bar from the grocery store topped with salsa. Typically, Wednesday […]

Nutri Grain French Toast Waffles

Sadly, this kick ass successful weekend I am having in WW world is completely due to the fact that we had no plans. I don’t remember the last weekend we had zero on the calendar. My chores are done, I am working on a couple of projects, meals for the week are planned and shopped for and there is time for exercise AND dog walking! Maybe I need to reduce the social calendar a bit? Nah, I’ll figure out a way to work around things. Maybe this? Random friend, neighbor, bartender, passerby, complete stranger, ….. “Hey Julie, wanna a beer?” Me….”No thank you.” That’s gonna take some practice. Urg…that hurt just to TYPE. Breakfast….I was in the mood for carbs. Sometimes that can hurt me a couple of hours later, because I seem to crave them after I’ve had them, but I thought since I had a full day planned […]