Lots to do, and I needed the energy to do it! Breakfast? My Oatmeal Banana Pancake. After cooking, I divided my 1 T. of Better N Peanut Butter on each quarter, then I added 3 dark chocolate chips to each quarter. This added 1 PPV to my breakfast, but it was totally worth it! After just a sec, I gave it a good swirl…….. Then topped with my nanner slices! Thank You, Bananas! You make me happy. 6 PPV of yumminesss…..1 PPV for my steamed nonfat milk in my coffee…. After a very accomplished morning at home, I was ready for some more turkey chili. I may have to freeze the rest. Not sure I can convince Mike to eat the same thing for dinner three nights in a row. Dinner Out? Maybe! I started with two, small, cooked potatoes, cut into bit size pieces. I love chili on a […]
Playing Catch Up!
Well, Thanksgiving Number Two on Saturday was a success……even after this upside down, double thermometer, brined from Trader Joe’s……..turkey fiasco! Nobody died. Nobody vomited. Mike said he just doesn’t understand what the big deal is about cooking the perfect turkey. He volunteered to cook the turkey next year. Says he’s just going to buy it, get a frier, fry it up and be done with it. I’m giving him about 360 days to think about it. If he changes his mind, I might just go with some turkey breast and a nice big beef tenderloin. We started the morning off with Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Pancake Mix…..Tess did the cooking in the morning. I think I forced her, but she was glad she did it. Grandma was coming over early to help in the kitchen, so we saved one for her. We were all super impressed. Really no need for butter […]
Prepping for Thanksgiving Number Two!
Roasting my second Turkey……ever. Side note: I was trying to be funny about my sucky ass birthday in yesterday’s post…….I actually had a blast celebrating with girl friends a few days before my birthday, my Mom took me to breakfast a couple of days before my birthday and gave me a Starbuck’s gift-card, I was flooded with wonderful birthday cards and gifts all week, and Mike and Tess took me to my favorite restaurant for a birthday dinner two days before……..so I was just jacking around because Holidays and Birthdays don’t mix, as far as I’m concerned. Okay……Turkey scariness…….. (The following was written as it happened.) Um…..what now? That aluminum pan scared me……so I bought a real one with a rack. It’s official…..I will be in charge of preparing the Thanksgiving Dinner Turkey for future Thanksgiving Dinners! ( Or maybe not. ) Do I cook it in that wrapping? […]
Perfect Thanksgiving Day! (Sucky Ass Birthday)
Are you one of those people that expects to be waited on hand and foot on your birthday? Do you expect coffee in bed? Do you expect the phone to ring off the hook from every member of your family wishing you the “Best Birthday Ever!” first thing in the morning? Do you think when you leave your bedroom, you will find the house filled with fresh flowers and birthday packages wrapped beautifully waiting for you? Do you anticipate breakfast cooked for you! OMG! ME TOO! None of that happened. Instead, we went to my In-Laws and had a wonderful, family filled, food filled, fun filled, “Perfect Thanksgiving Day!” This is Mike and I and our four kids……along with significant others and the Grandkids. We took LOTS of pictures, but I think this one is my favorite! Maybe I WILL send out Christmas cards this year! I love this one […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Why did I JUST find this? Sugar Free Pumpkin Spice Coffee Syrup……….At Target! I may officially be over pumpkin…….by the end of the weekend.(But probably not) Goodbye Starbuck’s! (Yeah, right. Like THAT’S gonna happen!)1 PPV It was a super busy and an un-ordinary morning and afternoon, so I forgot to take pictures of breakfast AND lunch……. BreakfastEgg White, Cheese and one slice of toast3 PPV Taste of different things at the Food Truck!6 PPV Damn……a beer outside with Tess…..but just one!5 PPV DinnerSalad and Soup (really boring, but so much good food to eat over the next few days)12 PPV Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose. I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day. The food I ate today and it’s […]
My Little Girl is Home…….
Lots going on again in preparation for the big Thanksgiving Day Feast! In-Laws on Thursday, our house on Saturday. I spent Monday Evening ironing the monstrosity of a Tablecloth…….and every cloth napkin I own. I got out all the chargers and napkin rings and wine glasses. None of it matches, and I think maybe thats my favorite part of the way the table looks! The table is set and ready for family and food! Tuesdays schedule included breakfast with mom, a massage to follow, a little work in the afternoon, and dinner out with two of my favorite people! My husband and kid. J. Alexander’s is one of my favorite restaurants to eat at. I always order the grilled salmon and smashed potatoes, and most likely, a nice glass of cab to go with it. So, needless to say, I knew I would need to choose my breakfast, snack and […]
Thanksgiving Week! Lots to do!
Too much to do to go into detail about my day, and really, do you EVEN want to know??? Breakfast Creamy, Cheesy EggsWaffle with Better N Peanut Butter and banana slicesCoffee Huge Breakfast for only……..5 PPV Four Egg Whites, topped with One Slice of Kraft Reduced Fat Sharp Cheddar (I love the way this cheese melts on my eggs!) Nutri Grain Waffle topped with One Tablespoon Better N Peanut Butter and Nanner slices(It melts so nice and creamy…….) Busy day ahead, and I needed lots of fuel…… I was able to get in a great 45 minutes on the treadmill with an incline and intervals. Then…..out and about for the day. The dogs are NOT pleased when I choose the treadmill over a walk outside.
Lunch out……Salad Bar…. A few grapes and some pineapple…grilled chicken……mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, shredded carrots, kidney beans, garbanzo beans and a few tortellini! […]
groceries, groceries, groceries………
I’m ready for Thanksgiving! I shopped til I dropped and the shopping cart overflowith……. We are having Thanksgiving dinner at the In-Laws on Thanksgiving Day, and I only am required to bring wine….Yay! Then on Saturday, my side of the family will eat at our house. I usually order a smoked turkey and a honey ham. This year I decided to go all out and actually cook Tom myself! Can you really screw that up?? We’ll see. Mike took this Sunday off…..Finally! So we enjoyed a Big Sunday Breakfast together. A Big Skillet of Eggs, Egg Whites, Turkey Sausage, Bacon and Reduced Fat Cheddar, along with an English Muffin topped with some Trader Joe’s Honey Apple Butter. Skillet = 6 PPVEnglish Muffing with Apple Butter = 4 PPVCoffee with steamed milk = 1 PPV After the big breakfast, Tucker man and myself took a long 45 minute walk. This […]
What was I thinking??????
I’d say I’m too old for this, but most of the people that were with me are my age too, and a few, even OLDER! We’re not a real bright group……. Friday night was really fun. It’s a Hookah Party……with lots of wine. Saturday morning was really rough. All morning, I tried to pry myself off the couch. Instead, I watched every show that I DVR’d this week. Then I attempted food. Toast, pumpkin butter, coffee(It stayed down)3 PPV Noonish?? Breakfast Burrito (I really wanted a Sonic Jr. Cheeseburger and Tots, but wasn’t sure I could make it there.)6 PPV It also stayed down, but barely……. Later…..WW Fudge Bar3 PPV Then, after more couch time……I made a smoothie with my WW smoothie mix, water, ice, strawberries and frozen bananas. It was so thick, I put it in a bowl. A big bowl of ice cream goodness. (I think I’m dehydrated…)2 […]
Friday Reflection
I feel much much better about the last two weeks than I did about the four weeks prior to that. The scale went down last week and this week. I am still in my 165-168 range, but trust me, when I see 164, the entire world will know! I had medical massage number two Friday morning, and my neck is feeling much better. Hopefully when I get in to see the Orthopedic Doctor on December 4th, my neck will be 100%, and we can focus on the shoulder issue. I ran some errands after my WW meeting and did a little shopping for some winter basics. While in the dressing room at Target (I really need to expand my shopping habits) trying on some fitted long sleeve tops for layering, I really hurt my shoulder when I got stuck in one particular salmon colored shirt!!! Yeeeeouch!!! I really wanted the […]