……..but today I am kind of a Mess, and when I went outside to walk the dogs, I got hot. My original Title for today’s blog was… “Reading the phone book could be more interesting than today’s blog…..” But after I started typing away, I realized I was kind of a mess. Today was pretty blahbitty blahbitty blahbitty blah to start. It started out great with a 30 minute walk with….. ………The Walking Club…….then a 20 minute walk/run. Breakfast……waffles with Peanut Butter and sliced bananas. (Pretty sure I have that carb craving thing I get after a weekend of beer drinking. One more day of drinking allowed in August, my daughters 21st birthday, then NO MORE until that scale reads 150 pounds!) Later I had a cereal bar. I do not know why I even bought them. Total trigger food for me. We had someone stay here over the weekend […]
Must Go Back Here!
Hope to see you again real soon Lake House! We had a great, relaxing, beer and food filled weekend. Now, back to responsibilities, exercise and healthy eating. I did actually take a good 30 minute walk Saturday morning at the lake. I did drink a lot of water, and I ate quite a few fruits and veggies. So I felt like I had control, and I didn’t over do on the salty snacks. Monday afternoon, I committed to a Wednesday morning run with a neighbor. She runs regularly, and knows that I ran 2 miles, and would like to run more. I’m going to call her….”my trainer”. I hope she understands that when I all of a sudden, without warning, stop dead in my tracks, that I’m not going to die, I just feel panicky, and need to regroup. I am running in a 5K on August 26th and need […]
I really hadn’t planned on blogging this weekend, but the boys are golfing, I’m the only one here, and I have Wifi! Why wouldn’t I blog a little?? ( Probably won’t post until Monday ) Getting out of town is great, and something we don’t seem to do nearly enough. Neither one of us are really good at planning trips. We just don’t take the time to do it. We talk about it a lot, but never really plan it. Neither one of us likes to spend money, so that’s great in the pocket book, but also keeps us from getting out of town more often than we should. I love a vacation, but the last several trips we have gone on, we have had nothing to do with the planning. We were invited to go along. Someone else thought of it, someone else planned it, we just had to […]
We arrived at the Lake! Barely!
Okay, first of all, I didn’t know we would have wifi, and Mike is asleep, so WHOOP….WHOOP!!! I can BLOG!!! (I love him.) So….we….and by we…..I mean Mike……killed a momma and a baby raccoon about a mile before we got here! Freaked………..me……..out! We had just passed two dear, at different locations….so I totally had on my “deerdar”, and we had discussed it. Add raccoon to my list. I am bad luck. I have now been in the car, or have been driving, and killed a rat (Tess did that in the grade school parking lot on a driving lesson), a turtle (I know…right?), a possum, a bobcat (had to have the car towed…took out the bottom of the radiator…the car we are in TONIGHT!), a deer (coming home from Colorado…basically totaled a Suburban)…and now raccoons. Okay, I was driving on all of those except the rat and the raccoons, but […]
Lake Weekend is Here!
Well, the annual (it’s just the second) Lake Weekend with Mike’s co-worker’s is here. We leave Thursday afternoon and come home late Sunday. I know it will be a weekend filled with salty snacks, beer and fun. My plan is to avoid the salty snacks, drink plenty of water along with my beers, and take my walking shoes and put them to good use each morning. These are certainly the situations that are the most difficult for me. There are five couples (including us) going and when I get around a group of people like that, I get to talking and munching and loose all track of time and everything else I’m doing. I know we are going to have a great weekend, so I am going to focus on the fun, be careful, and not beat myself up when we come home Sunday night. I have now successfully gone […]
Have you ever seen a 12" Pancake???
Look at the fork….it’s so small……..and that slice of bacon was huge, but it looks so tiny next to my HUGE pancakes! A girlfriend of mine had the day off, so we decided breakfast out would be fun! We headed to Succotash (26th and Holmes) and I feasted on this! Two 12″ Blueberry Pancakes! Yes, I ran out to my car and grabbed my tape measure! But first……at 6:00 am, I met up with the neighborhood Walking Club!Today? Two Humans, two dogs! When I got home, I had some toast with Strawberry Laughing Cow Cheese, an orange, and coffee……3 PPV It was a little later that I discovered I was headed out for some morning fun! Breakfast Number 2?Twist my arm….. I was full at this point, and I did share a few bites with my girlfriend, then she insisted on sharing her flower! She wears it sooooo much better […]
Baked Tilapia
Tilapia Fillets1/4 C Bread Crumbs (any kind, Panko works great too!)1/4 C Parmesan Cheese1 T. Italian Seasoning1 t Garlic PowderLemon JuiceOlive OilKosher SaltCracked Black Pepper Combine bread crumbs, parmesan, Italian Seasoning and garlic powder and place in large plate or pie pan. Fill another large plate or pie pan with 2 to 3 T. of lemon juice. Wash fillets and pat dry with paper towel. Dip fillets in lemon juice, then in bread crumb mixture. Flip to cover both sides. Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray or lay on Parchment Paper. Lay fillets on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 425. Baked….. Or Pan Fry……..You can also pan fry this in Olive oil for a crispy Tilapia. Make sure to add the points for the Olive oil! Weigh your fish first for PPV. Most […]
The Attack of the Black Killer Wasp!
This guy came in my house Monday afternoon and I FREAKED out! So I trapped him behind the blinds and grabbed Glad Press and Seal (I LOVE THIS STUFF!) and some tape and secured the area! Mike is going to think I am a total dumb ass when he gets home! I was scared. I panicked. I think it was a brilliant idea! The genius came home and sprayed it with wasp spray. I guess I don’t think too well under pressure……. Before my hectic afternoon, I started off the day with a yummy breakfast! Scrambled Egg Whites with Kraft 2% Sharp Cheddar Slice (2 PPV)English Muffin with Black Raspberry Jam (4 PPV)Strawberries (0 PPV)Coffee 6 PPV While at work (I work for the most appreciative two people! Basically I work for two families running errands and doing dinner prep), I snacked on some grapes, ate a granola bar….4 […]
Banana Nana fofana….fee fi fofanan….
“She’s bananas!”……..I totally am. I should probably cut back a bit. One in the morning has become a bit of a habit! I know, I know. I did NOT get fat eating bananas, but I did get fat eating mindlessly, which is sometimes how that banana gets to my mouth first thing in the morning when I walk into the kitchen (and other times throughout the day). Just LOOK at it! It’s the PERFECT banana! Just a few little spots. Carefully sitting on the countertop. No rough housing. No big bruises. Ahhhhhh, I CAN’T NOT eat it! It’s perfect inside too! So I made a weekend favorite. A Banana Pancake…… I totally forgot to spray my pan with cooking spray, so I scraped my batter off, cleaned and dried the pan, sprayed it, and started all over. It didn’t flip too well, and took on the look of HASHBROWNS! But […]
Julie Wins Gold! (Julie Vs. Treadmill)
I know….I can’t help myself! But I am totally into the Olympics! Today, I got on the treadmill, walked for a mile….then started my run. I ran 1.25 miles yesterday, and I was feeling pretty proud, so I knew I had to do at least that today. Then, at 1.25, I felt pretty good and knew I could go 1.50. At 1.50, I felt like another 0.25 was totally doable. At 1.75, it seemed kinda dumb to not go 2.0! I jus ran TWO miles without stopping! I gave myself this Gold Medal! The dogs looked me like I was an idiot! Me, crossing the finish line! Pandora rooting me on! I did it! (so embarrassingly and easily entertained) I think this post deserves to be all by itself, Nuf said. “love the life you live, live the life you love”