Day 18, Whole30

I forgot to mention that I bought Halloween Candy a few days ago! Yep. Candy just sitting in my house. Of course I bought candy that I don’t care for much, but still, it’s in the house and I haven’t been tempted. As I’m typing this, I’m trying to remember where I ended up putting it?

Yesterday, I registered for my last 2 5K’s for 2015. I had a lot of goals this calendar year, (they are listed at the bottom of my blog post each day) and while I didn’t meet them all, I feel like it’s been one of my healthiest years yet.

I knew for sure that I would do Six 5K’s this year, I just hadn’t planned on waiting so late in the year to get them all in. Running in the cold is not  my cup of tea (ahhhhh….I love a hot cup of tea) and it is not on my list of “Favorite Things to Do”, but I guess that’s what’s gonna happen.

I’m running this tomorrow, Halloween!



I’m running Thanksgiving Morning!



I guess I’m doing….Holiday Runs.

I was determined to make it to an exercise class yesterday, and I procrastinated that just long enough, that I almost had to tell you all how I didn’t exercise….again. But nope! I made it to Yoga at 6:30 last night. And really…..I had to go. Look what I bought at Target yesterday!


After Yoga, I came home and had a post workout snack, showered and plopped in bed to write this blog post.

Mike threw his back out bad on Wednesday, and he was kind of a mess Wednesday night. Last night didn’t seem much better so he decided to call it an early night too.

I’m off to WW, then to work the Food Truck downtown today!

Maybe a Happy Hour with a few friends this afternoon?  Mike and I are watching the World Series at home tonight, and I think I’m in the mood for some Chili. There is a Chili recipe in the Whole30 book that’s full of veggies, so I think we’ll give it a try. I’ve never made chili without beans. Have you?

Happy Friday! Let’s Go Royals. Clap, Clap……Clap Clap Clap!!

Here are yesterday’s eats…..


Under this egg, is just a little bit of everything. Peppers, Onions, Turkey Bacon, White Potato, Sweet Potato and Asparagus. I also had Berries and 1/2 Banana with Almond Butter. I actually don’t miss my Greek Yogurt or Oatmeal like I thought that I would. It’s probably a good thing I’ve learned to really like eggs over the last few years.




I left the house at 11:30 to run errands. It was too early for lunch, but I wasn’t sure how long I’d be gone. At 2:00, I was still out and about, so I ate my packed snack for lunch.

One Larabar, dried Organic Apples, Dried Cherries with no added sugar and Raw Walnuts.




Leftover Meatloaf and leftover Roasted Veggies from Sunday with added asparagus. Those veggies from Sunday came in super handy this week! Great for Mike’s lunch, great for breakfast with an added egg, and a great side dish for this leftover Meatloaf. Making more for sure!



Post Yoga Snack

I ate dinner at 5:00, which is early for me, and I was actually feeling hungry when I got home from Yoga. This was perfect. Apple slices with Almond Butter. Some have dried cherries (no added sugar) and some have grape slices. Think….PB&J.


Exercise = Walked the dogs 1/2 Mile, Hot Yoga Class

Water Consumed = 80 oz


This is What I Will Accomplish in 2015

I will choose one occasion per month for Social Drinking (um..this is a work in progress)

I will go no more than two days in a row without exercise. (I’ve done “two a day’s” to make up, and slacked lately)

I will track every single day of the entire year. (I’ve only NOT tracked a few weekends this year.)

I will not be tracking my food while doing the Whole30.

I will run in a minimum of six 5K’s. Four down, two to go!



“love the life you live, live the life you love”

2 thoughts on “Day 18, Whole30

  1. Thanks for reading Pam, and for taking the time to comment!

    It’s a good reminder that someone is reading it.


  2. Thank you so much for being diligent with your daily recaps of the Whole 30 journey. I just love it! Hope your WW meeting was fabulous! – Pam

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