Just the Food

Busy day, no time for spilling all my thoughts here, but need to post my food. I’ll have a hard time going to sleep if I don’t do it.

Maybe something will sound good to you like this soft boiled egg?

Soft Boiled Eggs
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  1. Eggs
  2. Water
  3. Ice
  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  2. Gently add eggs to the boiling water and boil for 6 minutes.
  3. While eggs boil, fill a bowl with ice water.
  4. After the eggs have boiled for 6 minutes, remove one at a time with a slotted spoon and place in the bowl of ice water. Let sit for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove from ice water and peel.
  1. These should peel perfectly, but occasionally running under cold water will help as you peel the egg. Not too long though if you like to eat your egg warm!
  2. Enjoy
The Weight of My Weight https://theweightofmyweight.com/

Breakfast – 8 SP

Sweet Potato Hash made with Peppers and Onions and Zucchini topped with two Soft Boiled Eggs.

For Soft Boiled Eggs, bring water to a boil. Add eggs and boil for 6 min. Remove eggs from boiling water and place in a bowl of Ice Water for 2 min.

Peel and enjoy.


Lunch – 5 SP

Bell Peppers, Hummus and One Chicken Brat on Toast with Dijon Mustard.


Snack – 4 SP

Still hungry after lunch….

Two Mama Lupe’s Low Carb Whole Wheat Tortilla’s with Hummus


Snack – 2 SP

Enjoyed an afternoon Iced Coffee with this Caramel flavor of Premier Protein.


Dinner – 9 SP

Leftover Pot Roast from Sunday and steamed Broccoli for a little color!

This doesn’t look extremely delicious, but there is a bunch of juice under all of that food and it tasted really good with the broccoli!

Snack – 4 SP

I decided to use my last 2 Smartpoints for the day on 1/2 cup of this delicious Vanilla Ice Cream, then I ate a cup instead.

Really shouldn’t eat out of the container……

I love Dancing With The Stars. 

I wanna dance.

Daily SmartPoints Total = 32
2017 Goals
Make time each week to Meal Plan
Drink 100 ounces of water each day
Exercise 5 days a week
Eat three meals and one snack daily
FOUR 100 Mile Walking Challenges this year! (This goal has changed a little now that I have this fabulous Fitbit.)

“love the life you live, live the life you love”