I am headed over to my Mom’s for breakfast and coffee, but I’ve made an executive decision……to just have coffee.My husband and I are headed to Florida in a few days, and I am really trying to be on my best Weight Watcher’s behavior.
Mom wants a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon, (she’s 4’8″ and weighs 75 pounds). If I weren’t so much like her, I’d SWEAR I was adopted! I opted to eat at home! Then I’ll go over and watch them eat their feast!
Today I made a filling 5 PPV breakfast burrito so I shouldn’t even be tempted when I get there. I used 4 egg whites, turkey sausage, a cheese wedge and a high fiber whole wheat tortilla. Added an orange and a kiwi to really bulk up my plate.

Now headed to Mom’s to get all caught up on the family drama!
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