Things were going along so nicely too. I came home from 4 long hours of errands, and no, I did not exercise before I left my house, which I am supposed to make myself do, and I……was……starving! I unloaded the car with items from the grocery store and Costco. I picked up a WW cheese pizza and lots of stuff to make a salad to go along with it for my lunch. I had a small breakfast 6 hours earlier so I had planned on a bigger lunch than usual. As I was putting everything away, all I could think about was EATING! So I opened the pizza and put it in the microwave and made my salad. I ate it. Then I was craving something sweet, so I had a WW mini fudge bar. Then I wrote down my points. The pizza was TEN POINTS! I hadn’t even thought to look. I assumed it was 6. EGADS! Well now I’m just pissed.
So I ate a granola bar, then a chocolate rice cake, (actually very tasty), so I had another, then a Special K strawberry bar (reminds me of a pop tart), had that with a cup of coffee, which made me wanna try the new Laughing Cow Strawberry Cream Cheese, on a bagel thin, so I did.

Now I just added about 15 points to my 10 point pizza. Nice. Then I tried to cry, but I didn’t want my mascara to run because then I would be bloated and have messy eyes. Oh, I’m on my period.
So I got on the treadmil.
The following could not be more appropriate…….

“love the life you live, live the life you love”