My last post was a total Debbie Downer! Thankfully, with the incredible encouragement of my awesome husband, (I really don’t know how I got so lucky!), I have recovered! It has been an awesome few days since with a great Girls Night Out on Friday.

I counted all points and made great choices on my food and limited my beers! I actually RAN Intervals on the treadmill Friday morning! I NEVER do that! I felt great afterwards, on top of the world, really.
Saturday I hit the treadmill again and then decided to pass on a party because it was an entire crowd of some of my favorite people, but they like their adult beverages, and in keeping with my goals to only have alcohol once a week, I really feel like I know myself well enough, it was best to stay in and have Movie Night on the couch. We made it a special night with KC Strips, baked potato and salad……no wine! So proud!
Awesome Sunday as well. Slept in to make up for that lost hour in the “Spring Forward”! More on that in a second. Made a big breakfast, but point friendly of course! Then a little paper reading and snuggle on the couch with the dogs, then to the treadmill, and I RAN AGAIN! Hope I keep this up! It really feels awesome! Then to Mike’s parents for an afternoon coffee and visit. Mike’s mom offered up cake with the coffee, one of my favorite treats, and I PASSED! Pat myself on the back, thank you very much. Then out for an early dinner, and home for movie night again on the couch with the dogs.

We do love this empty nester thing!
So, I really wish I could tape the conversation my husband and I have every single time change. It will take him a good three weeks to adjust. It’s ridiculous. He has kind of a crazy schedule in that he works a lot of hours……goes to bed VERY early and gets up VERY early!
Me….”Hey, you will probably make it all the way through The Good Wife tonight, because it’s on a 8, which is really 7″
Mike…..”No….8 is really 9, so I’ m gonna fall asleep for sure”
Me……”No it’s not, because when we got up at 8, we made all the clocks say 9, so really 8 is 7″
Mike….”I don’t think so”
Then we drew a diagram. It’s like two kids in math class with the worst word problem ever! Here’s how the conversation ended.
Mike…”Oh, yeah, you’re right.”
The following got me back in my groove after my Debbie Downer day…..

“love the life you live, live the life you love”