I do love my Friday’s. Happy Hour with my friends, the end of the week, looking forward to time with my husband, coffee with the folks one morning, chatting with the neighbors outside…….but my favorite part of Friday? I get to start a whole new Weight Watchers week with my 49 points allowance to spend! Okay, maybe kidding a tiny bit here, but if you are unfamiliar with WW, each week you are allowed a daily points range, and you also are allowed 49 additional points to use, or not use, throughout your week. And because Friday Happy Hours are somewhat of an important event with my girlfriends and I, I tend to use a majority of those on Fridays. It is not an excuse to “pig out” or to drink a 12 pack, but it is the one day that I do allow myself to relax a bit and indulge where I may not the rest of the week.
So, I have had a really great week, in life, and in WW world. I remain in the 170’s, but back down to 172. I totally forgot to take a picture at the scale, but will try to remember to do so in the future. If I do forget, I will post my weight anyhow. I was super busy this week and away from the house a lot, and when I am away, I certainly am more apt to eat less, and when I eat out, for some reason I do make better choices. I will see 169 this month and celebrate with a much needed mani pedi. (I thought for the longest time, that mani pedi meant a man getting a pedicure. Sometimes, I’m stupid.)
I continue to enjoy my at home gym much more than I thought I would. I am saving money by canceling my gym membership, saving gas and time by not making the drive there, and bonus? I don’t have to do my hair before I exercise!! OMG! Speaking of hair, I just keep cutting it off!

I know it makes me look thinner! I maybe need some different product though, kinda looks wiggish. Don’t you think?
Okay, here are a few of the things I have been eating this week………

This is an Ina Garten recipe. Herb-Roasted Onions. I love it. Two red onions, one yellow onion, lemon juice, dijon mustard, garlic, seasonings and olive oil. Roast at 400 for 30 to 45 minutes. I boiled a few new potatoes and added them to the mix. You can Google “Ina Garten Herb-Roasted Onions”, and you should easily find the recipe on the Food Network website. One day when I am really smart, I will figure out how to make tabs and have recipes available! Or one of my smart followers will guide me through the process?
Here is a simple and yummy way to enjoy a little rotisserie chicken. I will eat this on a regular basis during the spring and summer.

It is simply chicken and grapes. Celery or water chestnuts are great to add also, but I didn’t have either, so went without, but I do love the crunch they add.

I just added a little light mayo and salt and pepper. This was a super satisfying lunch with lots and lots of crunch!
I have been trying hard to have at least one fruit with every breakfast. I hate to cut up a watermelon, and I hate to pay someone else to cut it up as well, but ended up sacrificing a bit and buying a small container of pre-cut anyhow. I think I will buy one and cut it up! This was so sweet and juicy and tasted so good!
I had some left over boiled potatoes, so I sliced a couple and crispied them up in a little Pam, then I scrambled some egg whites, and it made a great hearty breakfast to start of my Friday!

Another one of my favorite breakfast includes fresh fruit topped with WW vanilla yogurt and 1/4 c of Kashi cereal. But this week, I decided it made a great afternoon snack as well. Walmart has a variety of flavored carbonated waters that I like in place of all the Diet Coke I used to consume. I don’t have these often, as I really have made a habit of just drinking plain water, but when I am really wanting a bubbly something, I will go for one of these. The Pineapple Coconut is delicious and so is the Kiwi Strawberry. Price Chopper has them also in the Best Choice brand.

I keep forgetting to take a picture of the box when I make this next item, and now we are out, but I love these fat free muffins. The brand is Krusteaz. They have several different flavors in the fat free, and some NOT fat free. One box makes 10 muffins, and the fat free muffins are 4 PPV a piece. It can be hard to only eat one, but they are super moist and yummy! I had ordered a new table and chairs for the deck, and the delivery guys were on thier way. When they called, I asked them if they would be able to carry the items up the stairs to the deck. He hesitated, but said that they would. Well, it was a Saturday morning and I was super excited to get this table and chairs I had wanted for about 10 years, so I was giddy as heck. I decided I would make up some muffins for the delivery guys as a thank you for carrying the boxes up to the deck. Hmmmm…..wonder how many muffins it would take for them to stick around and assemble them? Anywho, the box always has suggestions on the side of different things to add in. This time I tried the idea off adding frozen blueberries to banana mix.YUM! Good thing I plan on giving half of these away!

I went ahead an made myself an omelet so I wouldn’t overdue on the muffins.
So the guys show up and they are super sweet and very appreciate of my warm muffins and cold bottle of kiwi strawberry water to go! I spent the next 2 1/2 hours unwrapping and assembling, and sweating. But look!

I am sitting at it right now! I earned some serious points assembling, so I sat down and had a cold beer afterwards. Then I decided to make my planter into a table with a piece of glass I had in the basement, and I put these sun flowers in it that I found while Spring cleaning.

Kinda cute, huh?
Well, between the home gym, the lawn mowing and weeding, the great food, the furniture assembly and all the support of friends, family, WW members and fellow bloggers, I have had an awesome week, and I hope that you have too!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I look forward to your email…..I keep trying to figure it out, but it’s a little out of my computer comfort zone! Thanks for reading and thanks for your kind comments!
Wow! So many good recipe ideas! And I absolutely love the new patio furniture and your DIY table. You should pin that on Pinterest! 😉
I will send you an email walking you through the process on how to add a Recipes page. 🙂