One of my toughest spots for sure. The socializing. Gets me in trouble every time. But it’s soooo much fun! I love my friends!
Thursday I met a great girlfriend of mine that I see on a regular basis. The hubbies were playing golf, and we hadn’t had a chance to catch up in a while. The weather was great, and dinner at a local favorite place, on the patio, sounded perfect. Beers included.
Friday was Happy Hour with a few friends. The stories and the giggles and the great conversation got the best of me. The hostess kept pouring, and I kept drinking. Lesson learned. Do my own pours from now on.
Saturday was a great night out with neighbors to a local pub for some beers and a couple of hours at the pool table! We had a blast! I ate fine, but enjoyed more beers than my points allowed for. Now I AM over on my points! Surprise! Really?
Okay. So what’s my plan? Focus on the power foods….fruits and veggies, lean meats and whole grains. Drink plenty of water, and exercise.
And the “alcohol once a week” was a really great plan that seemed to have slipped my mind? Back to that!
Got off track a bit. No biggie. Jumping right back on.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”