Today was a little busy crazy constant… my physical schedule and in my head.
Lots to do at home this morning……trying to leave the house before noon, then a busy afternoon ending with a 6:00 pm Bootcamp, which I came soooooo close to skipping!
Here’s breakfast…..

5 PPV of yumminess with a couple of cups of Jo……

Then things just got outta hand. My first problem is that I need to go to the store, but with going to the lake and all the fun we had over the weekend……WHO’S HAD TIME FOR RESPONSIBILITIES???
Canned chicken for lunch…gross. 5 PPV
This pita was nice and fresh though…..probably make a good snack later?

Snack later…(left over lake crackers…..I never buy crackers anymore)…….
But they are the HEALTHY crackers!

Then I had some hummus and the other half of that Pita…..crap! 4 PPV
It was really, really good. The pita was so fresh and soft!
No pic here……too busy eating…… 🙂
Then I had a Vita Muffin…… of these, but in Banana Nut flavor……
Again….. 4 PPV
They are good for you! It’s a VITA muffin for crying out loud!

Then I had 2 of these!
Again!! 4 PPV!
This honesty is KILLING ME!
At this point, I know I need just a salad for dinner.

So I am going to have salad for dinner……
And a couple of fries…….
And this Chicken Hot Dog Thing…..on a Bun! 10 PPV!

So…..finding the positive here in my day…..
Now I am just hoping to maintain on Friday……
Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 5
Lunch = 5
Snack = 4
Snack = 4
Snack = 4
Dinner = 10
Total = 32
Activity Points Earned Today = 3
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = -11 (I am now eating earned activity points……not good news for Friday)
How many glasses of water I drank today = 10
I might post this one allll week long! 🙂

All kidding aside, my eating the last few days has kind of sucked! I have another busy day tomorrow, and making it to the store will be tough, but I will NOT go over my 26 points, and I WILL make better choices by eating more fruits and veggies…..
“love the life you live, live the life you love”