I started off my day at my WW meeting with my Starbuck’s Nonfat Misto (2 PPV). My weigh-in went as expected…..I messed up again, but at least my mess ups are barely in the 170’s. I know I’ll be here a bit, in the 160’s that is. It just seems to be what I do! Let’s remember……I’m really really good at maintenance! I’ll be 160 something next Friday. July really is crazy with so many things on the calendar. I am debating right now if maybe a plan to maintain until August 1st isn’t such a terrible idea? I don’t think my WW Leader will agree with me on this??

After my meeting, my daughter Tess was coming in town for the weekend, so I met her back at the house.
Before we left the house, we ate a little fruit. Banana, strawberries and some watermelon.

This was the sweetest juiciest watermelon I have had this summer!

I made a yummy grilled turkey and cheese too! 5 PPV
Carrots make a great substitute for chips. All of the crunch, none of the points!

We thought we should celebrate how fabulous we are by going to the salon for mani pedi’s! So we did!
We decided to go with striped tips! You cant really tell, but mine are Red White and Blue! Look at our chubby little toes. We can’t decide who has the chubbier!

Then we had an afternoon snack at Peachwave. Mine was nonfat banana and nonfat peanut butter frozen yogurt. It weighed 6 oz. I did a little searching on the Internet to find the nutritional info. I called it 6 PPV.

I put a few pieces of waffle cone on top for some crunchy munch! I added 2 PPV.

Dinner was an awesome Pinterest find I have made a few times now.
I tweaked the recipe a bit. In half of the tortillas, I put Ground Turkey Taco Meat. These were my favorite. Tess preferred the Chicken. Mike was with me on the turkey! I used 4 PPV large flour tortillas, but you could totally downsize the points on this with different tortillas. I also used full fat shredded Pepper Jack Cheese….with no regrets! 🙂 They were 11 PPV, but remember, you could make these less PPV with different tortilla’s, and low fat cheese.

On the side we had baked chips, regular chips, salsa and Guacomole.

The enchiladas don’t look very big on the plate, but one was VERY filling!
My Crystal Light Zero PPV Margarita hit the spot!

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast (Misto) = 2
Lunch = 5
Snack = 8
Dinner = 16
Total = 31
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 44
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12
“love the life you live, live the life you love”