Friday started off with a fabulous brunch hosted by the Bridesmaids. It was a great way for Tess and I to get to meet many of Jordan’s out of town relatives and the out of town bridesmaids. The food was fabulous and the table was beautiful! I was having so much fun getting to meet everyone, I barely took any pictures!
Me, Jordan (the gorgeous bride!) and my daughter, Tess.

Jordan and her Bridesmaids…..

At 3:00 pm we all met at the church for the rehearsal…….I had such a knot in my stomach in preparation for the rehearsal dinner, I couldn’t even imagine what Jake and Jordan must be feeling! Mike and Tess and I loaded up the car with the centerpieces………I was pleased and hoped everyone would enjoy them!

I had koozies made for the wedding party……..”To have and to hold AND to keep your beer cold!”

It was so exciting to be in the church and know it was all happening so soon…….

The rehearsal at the church went beautifully, and off we headed downtown to the Boulevard Brewery for some beer and BBQ. Mike practiced his toast for Tess and I most of the drive there. We knew he’d do great just as soon as he calmed himself with a couple of cold ones.
Me and the groom, Jake. Isn’t he so handsome?? 🙂
(he looks like his father…he he)

I took this picture and completely cut off the best part! Engagement pictures……

………finished these off on the top and I think they were so cute! The candles are in Boulevard tasting glasses! 🙂

We had ribs, pulled pork and beef, potato salad and beans. It was so fun to have so many people from out of town, (some from Hong Kong!) be able to enjoy some Kansas City BBQ and local beer!

Here’s Tess and I! Of course I remembered to take pictures of us and m plate of food! It’s really all about me. Duh.
We had an awesome view of the city!

Me and Anne, another one of Jakes sisters….

Anne and Tess…..(I love this picture!)

The entire night went perfectly. We had a Happy Hour, then a Prayer and Dinner. After dinner, Mike gave his toast and I was so proud. Then Jake introduced his Video he had put together. He introduced it as a short film, which it was, but we were all entertained. He has become the family Slideshow Pro! He really did an awesome job. Lots of tears of joy while watching.
After the slideshow, more cold beer and socializing. We had over 100 guest, and it felt like a small gathering of 15 to 20. Jordan’s family is amazing. I don’t even know how many people came up to Mike and I and told us what a great guy Jake is and how happy they are he’s joining their family.
Mike and I could not have hand picked a better Bride for Jake! They really do make the perfect couple!
The evening ended with entertaining and emotional toast from the Groomsmen and the Bridesmaids. It was so nice to hear all the great stories from their friends and to hear what loyal friends Jordan and Jake are.
More tears and lots of hugs!
Now…..some sleep for the big day!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”