Tuesday was tough, but I got through it pretty well without a carb overload!
After I blogged, and posted on purpose, so I wouldn’t eat anything else, I did have a VitaTop after watching my movie. Urg!
It was Vitalicious…….just like the box says.

Then, I felt like total, icky, heavy, nasty CRAP! My body actually hurt. I think the weekend and wedding celebrating wore me out. So, I took an Advil PM, so I could sleep, and went to bed. The alarm went off for Bootcamp at 5:30 am. I rolled over, hit snooze, and went back to sleep. The alarm went off again. I rolled over……….(are you ready for it?)………turned OFF the alarm……..(are you ready for it?)…….and went back to sleep for two more hours. I know. Loser. And not the weight losing kinda loser. Just loser.
Here are the eats before 9:00 am on Wednesday! (the VitaTop was Tuesday night)
Don’t judge.
I thought by taking a picture of the empty wrappers and facing it all, and telling the world, it might help me pull my head out of my ass. This is where it would come in handy to be concerned what others think. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to mind much.
Cliff bar (3 PPV)
WW Ice Cream (3 PPV)
Chewy granola Bar (3 PPV)
And two handfuls of chocolate chips, that really didn’t even taste all that great. I put the last of the bag of chips down the garbage disposal. (6…or 7… or 8 PPV…I don’t know………)
And I ate an Egg sandwich! (7 PPV)
That’s right. It’s Julie’s “tell all confession” of a morning of binging on carbs!

Would you believe I ate this so I could write something healthy down???

I tried really hard to pull myself together, so I decided I needed to just get out of the house!
Late in the afternoon, I stopped at the store for a salad bar. NO CROUTONS!
It really did taste good.

And it felt so much better to take a picture of this big bowl of salad than the empty wrappers earlier in the day.

I worked all day, and it was too hot to cook, so I went back to the store and repeated the same salad, but bigger to share with Mike! Then I found these and thought they might make a good sandwich for Mike, and taste good added to my salad.

3 meatballs were 4 PPV. I thought they were great! So did Mike. He ate them on his salad too, but decided next time, he would have a sandwich on some fresh, Italian, crusty bread (maybe with some red sauce). Ok, the bread description is all mine. Carbs.

The BIG salad. Mixed greens, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, kidney beans, vinegar and oil.

Taste so good and fresh!


I wasn’t even going to post my points, but if I’m going to tell all, I might as well tell “ALL” as best as I can.
Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Carbs before breakfast = 16?
Breakfast = 7
Lunch = 3
Dinner = 7
Total = 33?
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 0
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I love turkey burgers on my salad! Have you tried the morning star spicy black bean burger? It’s is great on a salad with just a little cheese and salsa as your dressing! Maybe a touch of sour cream too!
Sounds like you got right back on track!! I cant find turkey meatballs but you have given me the idea to have a salad for lunch with my leftover turkey burger on it!