Look at the fork….it’s so small……..and that slice of bacon was huge, but it looks so tiny next to my HUGE pancakes!
A girlfriend of mine had the day off, so we decided breakfast out would be fun! We headed to Succotash (26th and Holmes) and I feasted on this! Two 12″ Blueberry Pancakes! Yes, I ran out to my car and grabbed my tape measure!

But first……at 6:00 am, I met up with the neighborhood Walking Club!
Today? Two Humans, two dogs!

When I got home, I had some toast with Strawberry Laughing Cow Cheese, an orange, and coffee……

It was a little later that I discovered I was headed out for some morning fun!
Breakfast Number 2?
Twist my arm…..

I was full at this point, and I did share a few bites with my girlfriend, then she insisted on sharing her flower! She wears it sooooo much better than I!

I took the rest to go…..I had a hard time calculating PPV on this, but I did have a touch of butter and syrup. I’m going to give it a strong 17 PPV, and hope that I am over estimating!

We ended up in the Mac Cosmetics Store. She likes her make-up. Somehow I ended up on the stool getting a makeover and buying eye shadow, powder and lip gloss!
But I do have to say, when I left the store, I felt pretty. 🙂

By the time I got home, I think my pancake got hot enough in the car, it was overlooked, so I felt I had to toss it. Probably best. sad.

On to exercise…….now that I have run 2.0 miles, and I think I’m really cool, I have decided, with a little encouragement from others, to run a 5K! So, I’ve signed up!
Head For the Cure Foundation raises money to help patients with Brain Cancer. I encourage you to sign up and read more about it here. The race is Sunday, August 26th!
A fellow blogger, Racheal, informed me of it. She is a true runner, but maybe we can at least start together??
Dinner was delicious!
Sautéed Green Beans…..(garlic, onion and Butter Flavored Olive Oil)

Skin on Mashed Potatoes……(a little butter, skim milk, and two wedges of Laughing Cow Cream Cheese Spread)

So creamy…………..

Pan Fried Tilapia

It was all so yummy together!

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast (the first time) = 3
Breakfast (the second time) = 17?
Dinner = 16
Total = 36
Activity Points Earned Today = 4
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 0
How many glasses of water I drank today = 8
I end today’s blog on a bit of a sappy note…..I have had several occasions over the last few weeks to get together with lots of different groups of friends. Girlfriends from High School, girlfriends that I have reconnected with via Facebook, girlfriends in my neighborhood, girlfriends I have met through Weight Watchers, girlfriends I have met through our children, girlfriends I have met through mutual friends, and girlfriends I have met through work.
We’ve met for coffee, lunch, breakfast, Happy Hours, pedicures and shopping.
At a High-school get together, one friend, that I hadn’t seen in years, and through Facebook we reconnected, asked…..”Who do you spend most of your time with?” we all agreed we spend most of our time socializing with neighbors and parents of our children’s friends because that is who we automatically see the most. Its great to be surrounded by so many great people when your spending so much time together through your kids and neighborhood events! We all felt really lucky to have those relationships.
At another girly get together, we were playing this game…..Table Topics..

One of the questions was……
“If you could be any age, what age would you be?”
I knew right away that the answer was 45. The age I am today. Probably because I feel so healthy. Also, we had children young. The youngest is a senior in college and we really don’t have any “kid responsibilities”. Empty Nesters! Well, except for always being there when they need you. Hopefully that will never go away. But 45 just feels good and it felt good to answer that way.
I truly feel blessed to have so many great women in my life. Each relationship is different and special in its own way, and I respect all of them! Take some time out to enjoy your girlfriends!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”