Well, the annual (it’s just the second) Lake Weekend with Mike’s co-worker’s is here. We leave Thursday afternoon and come home late Sunday. I know it will be a weekend filled with salty snacks, beer and fun. My plan is to avoid the salty snacks, drink plenty of water along with my beers, and take my walking shoes and put them to good use each morning.
These are certainly the situations that are the most difficult for me. There are five couples (including us) going and when I get around a group of people like that, I get to talking and munching and loose all track of time and everything else I’m doing. I know we are going to have a great weekend, so I am going to focus on the fun, be careful, and not beat myself up when we come home Sunday night.
I have now successfully gone to six outings where everyone was drinking, except for me! This weekend was one of my two planned drinking occasions until I get to my goal weight of 150 pounds.
I am certainly looking forward to the first cold beer sitting on the dock!
I am taking lots of fruit and veggies to snack on and share.
I will blog all about the weekend on Monday.
Here’s to some weekend fun at the Lake!!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”