I really hadn’t planned on blogging this weekend, but the boys are golfing, I’m the only one here, and I have Wifi! Why wouldn’t I blog a little??
( Probably won’t post until Monday )
Getting out of town is great, and something we don’t seem to do nearly enough. Neither one of us are really good at planning trips. We just don’t take the time to do it. We talk about it a lot, but never really plan it. Neither one of us likes to spend money, so that’s great in the pocket book, but also keeps us from getting out of town more often than we should.
I love a vacation, but the last several trips we have gone on, we have had nothing to do with the planning. We were invited to go along. Someone else thought of it, someone else planned it, we just had to pull out the credit card, and show up! Just the way we like it! (well, free would be awesome!)
We have had vacations, and staycations. We love a Staycation. You know. You just stick around town and do things in your city that are typically touristy things. If you haven’t done that in a while, I highly recommend it!
This weekend? A Lakecation. It is amazing how being just a couple of hours from home, sitting on the water, can be so incredibly relaxing. Not a care in the world……ahhhhhhhhhhh……..
At 8:00 am, I woke up, rolled over, looked at Mike, and said….
“Do they have room service here?”
My lovely husband rolled out of bed, went downstairs to the kitchen, made coffee, and brought it to me in bed! LAKECATION, I love you!
Then Doug, our host, showed up, and off the two of them went to the golf course.
10:30 am. I made my self some egg whites, toasted a bagel, grabbed another cup of Joe, and headed out to the upper deck, off our Master Suite.

All by myself, back in a quiet cove……ahhhhhhhhh……

Before I did that, I snuck up the winding staircase……….

……..to the third story to the Private Suite (otherwise known as, Doug’s Room). What an amazing view! There is a bedroom with a fireplace, a lovely bath, a mini kitchen and a mini office! Loved it!
I did take a few other photos of interest. This is the bathroom off the kitchen. Made me giggle…….Total boy house.

These are the lights above the bar……Cute, huh? Doug is a pilot and has a love for planes…….

After breakfast, off to put my feet up and enjoy a magazine on the dock!

The rest of the day was perfect. All of the other couples showed up one at a time, and I designated myself….”The Welcoming Committee”.
The evening was filled with drinks on the deck, followed by a dinner of smoked Brisket, then back down to the dock for a game of Balderdash! Too much fun! People can really get clever after a few drinks! 🙂
Saturday morning started off with us all gathered in the kitchen for some serious thick coffee and biscuits and gravy. I volunteered to clean up silverware and plates (plastic and foam, I hope nobody talked about me).
Then to the Dock for Bloody Mary’s!
Around noon, Doug’s friends of twenty somethings showed up, and we all loaded up the boat with coolers and snacks for an afternoon on the water and bar hopping!
The name of Doug’s boat? “Missing Payroll”. Interesting…….hmmmmmm…..

We had a great ride to a few HOT spots for drinks and good bar food!
( I drank a TON of water ALL weekend!)
Doug, our host for the weekend, (orange T-shirt) was celebrating his 50th! So we tried to give him lots of extra attention, which he loves! The other guy? In the “Drink up Bitches” T-shirt? We don’t know him. We just liked his shirt! 🙂

I proudly am drinking WATER in this pic!

The gang all enjoyed making friends at each stop. Don’t know the bikini girl either, but she had them all happy about something!

On to the next stop for birthday shots! ( I made Mike drink mine. )

Then we went to visit a friend of Doug’s……by the time we got there……Lake Time!
Yip, I am waving like a fool! No, I do NOT know the boy beside me with the green raft, but he seemed very friendly.

We have GOT to start taking some initiative and planning some trips on our own. We were given an open invitation to use the Lake House whenever we’d like.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”