We all have bad days once in a while. We feel a little down. Maybe we feel a little sorry for ourselves. Maybe disappointed in ourselves, or frustrated with ourselves and choices we have made. It’s perfectly normal to have those days. What is important, is how we handle them. How do we move past them? How do we make today better?
I’m sure we all have different ways we handle this situation. Maybe we let the “bad mood” last a couple of days. Maybe one “bad mood” day is all we can handle. Maybe we shop to lift our spirits, maybe we eat. Neither of those does anybody any good, unless of course you’re buying a smaller size!! Admittedly, that might help temporarily. But in reality, for our mental and physical health, we have to determine why we had the bad day, then make the necessary changes. Well…….that’s what I have to do anyhow.
You just gotta….Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps!
(I’ll take THIS pair of boots to do that, please.)

Today I woke up knowing I will be successful in my goals for the day, and when I go to bed tonight, I will feel proud of the choices I made.
I started my early morning off with breakfast in bed……something I do that just makes me feel relaxed and happy.
Bagel Thin Egg White Sandwich, peach and coffee.
6 PPV.

Then I took Tucker in for some serious grooming. He is ALL boy jumping in every sprinkler or puddle he can find, although puddles have been few and far between. But when he gets wet, and I don’t brush him out, he is a big messy boy! After he’s groomed, I can’t stop touching his little Bichon hair. Its therapeutic!! And really, it’s all about what is going to make ME have a great day!
Then, since I had a gift card from my gracious neighbor for simply watering their flowers when they were out of town, and I hadn’t used it yet, I hit the Starbucks across the street from the groomer. I ordered my non fat, one Splenda Misto, and settled in for a bit to blog and people watch.
2 PPV.

Starbucks and blogging…..two more things that make me happy. Okay, actually three things. People watching really makes me happy. People are funny, and different, and interesting. It’s working. There are some unusual folks here today. I’d love to inconspicuously take pictures of them and write stories, but there might be some sort of law against that? Or it’d just be wrong.
I wonder if someone is taking a picture of ME and writing a story? How cool would that be? I just realized I just sat up a little taller, and sucked my gut in, and became very aware of the fact I may not look so good in a ball cap and no make-up and my big CZ earrings. Loser.
Although the idea of exercising has not yet completely entered my brain or my lifestyle as something on my………..”I CAN HARDLY WAIT TO DO THAT!” list, it truly is one of those things that makes me feel incredible afterwards, especially when I push myself to do something I have not yet done.
So, after leaving Starbucks, I hopped in the car, opened the sunroof and all of the windows, and cranked up the tunes! Yet another thing I like to do that makes me happy! I went home, then backed out of the driveway and drove a 3.1 route that I could walk as soon as I got home.
(Maybe I look scared here, but that’s just how I look when I sing.)

Good golly! I picked the route I picked so I could prepare myself for some hills outside vs. my zero incline treadmill run. The hills I chose were killing me! My heart rate alarm went off! So, I actually did walk a lot, but I did not stop, and I kept my arms pumping so I could keep my heart rate up, without setting off any alarms.
When I got home, I had a message that I now have a running mate for the 5k I entered! Yay! But I have a feeling she can run a 5K without any problem at all. I decided to check out the website to see if there was any way at all that I could found out the exact route. Then I found this…..
“This family-friendly event takes place on a flat, self-contained USATF-certified course that winds through beautiful tree-lined Corporate Woods in Overland Park.”
Yay! No need to panic! I can do this! Whoop Whoop!
After I had some water and cooled down a bit, I decided on a WW Chocolate Smoothie. I hadn’t tried this flavor yet. I always make the vanilla and add a variety of frozen fruit, or I have made the Coconut and added fresh pineapple. I decided to try frozen blueberries in my chocolate smoothie. YUM!
2 PPV.
Way better than the Quinoa Cookies I made yesterday.

I also snacked on some veggies……and a cheese wedge. Then I had some string cheese.

Then, off to get Tucker Man!
Me – “Hey Buddy! How’d it go?”
Tucker – “ehhhh….okay……you could’ve picked me up a little earlier.”

Me – “Sorry. Did I see you flirting with the Poodle beside you?”
Tucker – “Yuck! That bitch (female dog, its appropriate) had a serious attitude problem!”

Me – “Guess I missed that part.”
Tucker – “It’s okay.”

Me – “Whatcha doing?”
Tucker – “Did you spill coffee back here?”
Me – “Well, on that jacket, yes I did”
Tucker – “Thought it smelled weird.”

Me – “You wanna go home and get a treat?”
Tucker – “yum….yes please!”

Tucker – “Can you please stop talking and just drive?”

Turkey Taco Spinach Salad
Spinach, black beans, red bell pepper, edamame, tomato avocado, cheese, shredded carrots and Greek yogurt to top it all off!
(you think I got my veggies covered?)

I love all that color! Makes me feel like I made good choices!

I liked the spinach idea……Much better choice than Iceberg!
14 PPV

I have not stepped on the scale in several days. Denial. I am going to make the best of Wednesday and Thursday, and step on the scale Friday morning at my Weight Watchers meeting. I pray it does not say 170 something, but fear it might. I would truly be ecstatic with 169.0.
My goal today was…Bootcamp, eat 26 PPV, drink 12 glasses of water, smile.
I really did go out of my way to do things that make me feel good today, and it worked!
Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 6
Lunch = 4
Snack = 2
Dinner = 14
Total = 26
Activity Points Earned Today = 6
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 0
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Yeah for an awesome day! Sometimes we just have to strong arm it! You are doing great!