Breakfast ….2 poached eggs, My “Nutella Coffee” experiment, strawberries and vanilla yogurt. (I wake up HUNGRY!)

Do you have one of these to poach eggs in the microwave?

I’ve had it forever! Microwave for 1 1/2 minutes, and the perfect poached eggs!

I was thinking about Nutella here……Hazelnut Flavored Coffee with Chocolate Syrup and a little frothed milk. I will be drinking this again tomorrow morning!

I got another great walk in today with a couple of girl friends. A good 45 minutes of walking today. No where near the 6.6 miles like yesterday! I felt great when I got out of bed this morning, but my calves are starting to feel the miles tonight. Pretty sure Weigh In is going to go well on Friday. 🙂
I am beginning to feel bad calling the following a smoothie. It has certainly become a favorite after a workout of any kind. it’s TOTALLY a shake! Look at how thick that is!

WW Creamy Chocolate Smoothie Mix
1 C water
1 C ice
1 frozen banana
1 T. of Peanut Butter Powder

Later? Simple. Cantaloupe.
Zero PPV

This was an accidental find at the grocery store yesterday.

Maybe the best thing I ate today………Strawberry Frozen Yogurt, topped with 1 T. of Cookie Butter. Geeeezzzzz, it was just SO wrong, it was right.

Even though I am planning on a salad and some leftover stuffed chicken for dinner, the weather was so cool, I was in the mood for some grilling. I grilled up some marinated Chicken Breast and some Mock Fillet’s. (Bacon Wrapped Sirloin) I have plenty to freeze some, and I shouldn’t have to cook for the next couple of nights for sure……

Not a pretty sight for a vegetarian, but I was happy.

Simple Caesar with fresh shaved pieces of Parmesan and leftover stuffed Chicken for me tonight.
This chicken was equally delicious the second day!
14 PPV

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 7
Snack = 3
Snack = 6
Dinner = 14
Total = 30
Activity Points Earned Today = 4
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 23
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12
I remember saying to Mike one time……
“Why do you think some people have self discipline and some people don’t?”
Mike said…
“Well, it’s a choice.”
I didn’t like it when he said it, but after thinking it about it for a long, long time, I knew………….He was SO right!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
I think that I am still in shock. I am very excitied but freaking out a little! This week I have 2 events where I have to eat out and my mother in laws birthday dinner to go to. I know that I dont have to make goal this week but being sooooo close really makes me want to…just need to stay focused.
Oh my GOSH! That is awesome! I had no idea you were so close! Nice Job! Sending good vibes your way… you feel them? You are right though…..don’t stress…..just keep making all the great choices you have made that have gotten you to this point! So happy for you!
Well, it started storming so I put it off til 10..then I had to run my booty fast to get my miles in before WW. Today was my weigh in and I am 1 lb from goal!!! 74 lbs down! Send me some good thoughts, I dont want that number to screw up my week. Planning on having a normal week and not thinking about it (yeah right)
Libby, I love it! I am quite certain I have not reached the “running in the rain” stage yet. 🙂
You GO girl!
Oooooh! I love that quote! I just got up at 5am to the sound of rain. I right away started thinking “Ugh, I dont want to run in the rain” )even though I usually enjoy running in the rain) I was just filling my head full of negative thoughts..but your quote is right..I can either get out there and shut up that voice or sit on my butt and complain..It IS up to me!