Head for the Cure Foundation raises money and awareness to fight brain cancer. I love that so many charities have now found “Runs” as a way for people to donate money to a good cause, and get out and do something healthy! It felt great to be a part of something so important!
I really did it! I mustered up the guts to register to run in a 5K. I know to some people, this must sound like such a trivial accomplishment, but for me, it was a milestone. The fact that I even had the desire to do that was huge, and it shows me how I have changed over the last three years in the “Taking Care of Me Department”.

I met another blogger a while back, Racheal, who signed up to do Head for the Cure, and I thought I should sign up too! She is an actual runner, and I knew I couldn’t keep up with her, but thought it would be fun to at least start out together!
I have another blogger, Roberta, actually my Sister-In-Law, that I follow too! She is an actual runner too! We have been following each others weight loss stories. She decided to sign up to support me!
They were both real troopers with me, the beginner. I was worried about needing to stop running and walk for a bit, so I told them both to feel free to “go ahead”. But when I decided I needed a break, they both told me they were comfortable jogging at my fast walking pace. Yay! I had to walk a few times, but did run more than I thought I would, so I was pleased. (They were BOTH able to RUN AND TALK at the same time!) who knew? I did lots of listening. 🙂
It felt great to RUN across the FINISH line!
Me and Racheal….

Me and Roberta……

Breakfast before the Big Run!
Egg Whites, Toast with Laughing Cow Strawberry Cream Cheese

My reward after running…..yes…..I did reward myself with FOOD! Kinda…..
Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Leftovers for Lunch….
Spaghetti Squash, Grilled Chicken, Marinara, Parmesan….

Toast with Better N Peanut Butter and a sliced Banana

Nice THICK slices…….mmmmmmm

I spent my afternoon cleaning house and Grilling in the rain! I recently spent a day grilling up a variety of meats, then froze them. Everything tasted so good, and it was so handy during the week, I did it again! Just Chicken today……

We decided to hit the Movie Theatre late Sunday afternoon, so I had a snack that I knew would satisfy AND hold me over until dinner.
1 T. Nutella and 12 almonds
Then we went to see The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Kinda Cheesy, Kinda Corny, Super Sweet!
Then home to………
Dinner! Yum!
Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo
This was actually really, really good! I knew I would be playing on Pinterest later in the afternoon looking for something different to make with chicken and broccoli, so I was glad I had the chicken already cooked up! You can’t tell at all in the picture, but this was really creamy, cheesy and delicious! The Alfredo sauce is garlic, olive oil, chicken broth, skim milk and Greek Yogurt!
Making this again soon for sure! In this one meal I got in……Olive Oil, whole wheat pasta, broccoli, chicken breast, Greek yogurt and garlic!
I did 2 oz chicken, 1/2 C pasta
Total Dish = 9 (olive oil, flour, Parmesan)

Dessert…..I dipped each bite of fruit in a little Nutella. Yummy.

Refresh…I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.
The food I ate today and it’s PPV.
Breakfast = 3
Snack = 3
Lunch = 5
Snacks = 6
Dinner = 11
Total = 28
Activity Points Earned Today = 3
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 47
How many glasses of water I drank today = 15!
Regarding Commenting on My Blog………
I spoke to some really smart people……(my fellow bloggers and 5K runners), …..and made some changes to my settings that should now allow you to leave comments easier! Yay! Thank Goodness I know some Smart people!!!
I love your comments, whether in person, or email, or Facebook, but hopefully you will be able to make them here now if you would like! 🙂
Here are my thoughts are doing something you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t mustered up the guts yet………

“love the life you live, live the life you love”
So glad I entered the race. Loved it! And you KNOW I did that on my IPad. I do not have the patience for my Vintage Laptop! 🙂 are you in love with your Mac??
Good job on the race! It was such a fun day.
I am very impressed you fixed the comments page. If you fixed it on your ipad, I am even more impressed. Have a good week. 🙂
I am sure I would love to run with you too, but I don’t know who this is. I forgot with the changes I made, anonymous shows up and I don’t know who it is? 🙁 who is it? 🙂
Libby, thanks so much! You were right about that first one feeling so good and wanting to do more. Not sure I’ll ever really get the running bug, but I loved the feeling of doing something with so many people, all the people along the way encouraging you, and just the general excitement of t all!
You really should make the chicken broccoli Alfredo. It was DELISH!
Yahoo!!! I am so happy for you Julie! I am glad to hear that you had a great 5k! I read Rachel’s blog too! She seems like such a fun sweet girl! Your chicken pasta meal is one that I will have to try..it sounds yummy!
Thanks for joining….and encouraging me!
Patty! Yay! It worked!
Hi Julie! Looks like you had an awesome day!
Now I’ll try to post this. 🙂
I’m glad I signed up for the race. It was a lot of fun to do it together. You walk and jog pretty fast! See you soon!